Oversight Committee conference call, Sept. 12, 3:30-4:30 pm. Toledo: Meg Delaney and Gayle Martinez Columbus: Angela O'Neal Cleveland: Chatham Ewing Cincinnati: Paula Brehm-Heeger, Katrina Marshall, Stephanie Bricking, and Holbrook Sample State Library: Katy Klettlinger OPLIN: Stephen Hedges It looks like all four sites will be using ContentDM. Toledo is acquiring it through Ohio History Connection and will be using their mirror server for duplicate storage of many of their files. Metadata: It's time to nail down our metadata fields. Toledo asked if sites are doing just core records first and coming back to complete the metadata, or doing complete metadata initially. Cincinnati notes they just had this conversation with ContentDM, and are just planning to do DPLA minimums now. Chatham noted that whatever fields we agree on should be announced, and that there are three levels of metadata to consider: backend technical/descriptive data, data for patron searches, and archival metadata that relates the item to a collection(s). There was general agreement that a private website is needed for developing, storing and sharing documents related to metadata, policies, and pricing. Stephen will work on this. Marketing: Columbus is going through a major re-branding of disparate digital collections under one brand. The CML marketing folks are involved. There was general consensus that oversight people and marketing people need to get together and talk, no later than the end of October. Stephen suggested a phone conference first, since time is short, then a face-to-face meeting in November. There was agreement that a meeting after the Hubs and Spokes presentation at OLC Convention might be a good opportunity to talk with marketing folks. Regarding the Hubs and Spokes presentation, all sites agree that it is important to let people know they are not ready to take in outside work yet; several of them have been getting inquiries. Preservation: Chatham pointed out that local resources are too limited to do effective digital preservation, we need a cooperative effort. ContentDM and DPLA can only handle access. Angela noted that digital preservation does require a lot of work, and that neither Ohio Memory nor OhioLINK nor anyone else she knows of in Ohio has yet succeeded. Stephen suggested that some central "agency" is needed to handle everyone's digital preservation and that this conversation needs to include OHC and OhioLINK at least, and might best be initially broached at an OhioDIG meeting. Angela pointed out that many other states have a clear central library that can handle this. Katy suggested that a good place to start is some research into what others are doing; Angela offered Angela Cobb at OCLC as a good resource. Chatham noted that even though the Digitization Hubs project did not include a preservation component, we are in an intermediate stage that will lead to preservation, and should be getting prepared. DPLA: Angela reported that she recently talked with Emily Gore from DPLA and Gwen Evans (OhioLINK), and Emily proposed a meeting in Ohio on November 20 or 21 with the Hubs, OhioLINK, OHC, and the State Library. Everyone needs to be working together, because DPLA only wants to have one data feed coming from each state. The group preferred Nov. 20, so Angela will see if she can arrange that or get more possible dates. Project Prioritization: Toledo reported that their first project was chosen because it will involve a variety of materials, and will allow them to develop standard workflows for each type of material. There was agreement that planned projects and developed workflows should be shared on the private website with the other documents. Metadata Committee: Items for the metadata committee arising from this meeting: file storage; and structural metadata. An agenda should be emailed (Stephen) to the committee before their meeting on the 24th. Society of American Archivists: Chatham announced that the 2015 Annual Meeting of the SAA with be in Cleveland, August 16-22, and he thinks we should do a program. There was general agreement. Chatham will start a draft program proposal around by email.