[SOA] Seeking News/Announcement for Spring issue of Ohio Archivist

Lisa Rickey LRickey at daytonmetrolibrary.org
Fri Feb 3 09:21:52 EST 2012

Hello, everyone!


We are now collecting submissions of News and Announcements for the
spring issue of the Society of Ohio Archivists' newsletter Ohio
Archivist, which will come out in early April 2012. 


Think you don't have anything to share? Think again! 


* Upcoming events: Did you create a great new exhibit or host an
interesting conference or program?

* Institutional news: Did you receive an important collection or write a
successful grant? Did you embark on a digitization project or do
something cool with social media?

* Personal news: Did you hire someone new? Did you earn a promotion or
award? Did you speak at a major conference or have an article published?


These are just a few examples, but you get the idea! Make sure to
include who, what, when, where, and why, as well as how readers can
access more information. 


Submissions should be under 250 words and are due by March 1, 2012.
Please email to Lisa Rickey, lrickey at daytonmetrolibrary.org. 



Lisa P. Rickey

Archivist & Reference Librarian

Dayton Metro Library

215 E. Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402

(937) 496-8681

lrickey at daytonmetrolibrary.org <mailto:lrickey at daytonmetrolibrary.org> 


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