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<h1>Washington Update for January 14, 2014</h1>
<h3><a title="Permanent Link to Congress Releases FY 14 Omnibus Spending Bill" rel="Bookmark" href="http://historycoalition.org/2014/01/14/congress-releases-fy-14-omnibus-spending-bill/" target="_blank"><font color="#2e477c">Congress Releases FY 14 Omnibus Spending Bill</font></a></h3>
<h4>Tuesday, January 14th, 2014</h4>
<p>The House and Senate Appropriations Committees have released an omnibus spending bill (HR 3547) that would fund the federal government through the rest of fiscal year (FY) 2014. The $1.012 trillion package is expected to pass the Congress by the end of this week. The National Coalition for History (NCH) has created a chart showing the budgets of all major federal agency programs affecting history, archives and education. <strong>Note: these numbers are not considered final until the bill passes.</strong> <a href="http://historycoalition.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/FY-14-Omnibus-Final-1-14-14-revised-2.pdf" target="_blank">Click here to access the chart</a>. <a href="http://historycoalition.org/2014/01/14/congress-releases-fy-14-omnibus-spending-bill/#more-5593" target="_blank">Read more…</a></p>