<div dir="ltr">If you haven't renewed your SOA membership or joined as a new member, there's still time! <br><br>SOA Council invites you to renew your membership in the Society of Ohio Archivists for 2014. With your support, SOA is able to exchange information, coordinate activities, and improve professional competence in Ohio’s archives and manuscript repositories.<br>
<br>During the past year, SOA provided:<br>• education and networking at the Spring Annual Meeting and the joint SOA/OLHA Fall meeting<br>• scholarships for one student and three new professionals to attend the annual meeting<br>
• access to The Ohio Archivist, the society’s online newsletter<br>• recognition to an outstanding individual through the Merit Award<br>• support to the National Coalition for History through an organizational membership<br>
• design and printing of the Archives Month poster, “Disasters in Ohio”<br><br>Individual and Student members receive discount rates at events and voting rights at the annual meeting. Patron and Sponsor include Individual membership benefits, plus your extra contribution provides support for special projects. Institutional members receive discount rates at events for up to two employees.<br>
<br>Renew online with a credit card through the secure History Store hosted by the Ohio Historical Society. <a href="http://www.ohiohistorystore.com/soa-membership.aspx">http://www.ohiohistorystore.com/soa-membership.aspx</a> <br>
<br>If paying by check or money order, please find the renewal invoice on the SOA homepage <a href="http://www.ohioarchivists.org">www.ohioarchivists.org</a>.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Emily Gainer, SOA Treasurer<br></div>