[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #108: YouTube Screening Room, Medical Records Online, Google Map Maker, Tag Clouds

Bobbi Galvin galvinbo at oplin.org
Wed Jun 25 13:51:26 EDT 2008

*OPLIN 4Cast #108:
YouTube Screening Room, Medical Records Online, Google Map Maker, Tag Clouds
*June 25, 2008**

*1. YouTube <http://www.youtube.com/> is going semi-pro.*
There is a spot on their site called the Screening Room 
<http://youtube.com/ytscreeningroom>. The videos are now longer, better 
quality and available for purchase.

    * Curtains up: YouTube Screening Room makes its world premiere
    * YouTube raises curtain on indie film screening room
      (Ars Technica)
    * Report: YouTube begins experimenting with long-form video
    * Could YouTube become hub for feature films and TV shows?

*2. How private and secure are our medical records?*
With privacy always at the front of our minds here in Ohio libraries, 
patrons viewing their medical records online could certainly push the 
limits. It may just increase the number of medical reference questions 
you get as well. (Don't forget about Consumer Health Complete 
<http://oplin.org/databases/health> and NetWellness! 

    * Your Medical Data Online
      <http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/20946/> (Technology Review)
    * Google Health <https://www.google.com/health/html/privacy.html>
    * Welcome to HealthVault <http://www.healthvault.com/> by Microsoft
    * Study: US adoption of electronic health records is abysmal
      (Ars Technica)

*3. Want to feel like Lewis & Clark?*
While not available in the US yet, it's likely that each one of us will 
eventually be able to contribute something from our neighborhoods to 
Google Maps using Google Map Maker.

    * Google Map Maker: Unleash your inner cartographer
      <http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-9976423-7.html> (c|net)
    * Google Introduces Map Maker For "Uncharted" Regions
      <http://searchengineland.com/080624-091526.php> (Search Engine Land)
    * Google Lets You Change the World with MapMaker
      <http://mashable.com/2008/06/24/google-mapmaker/> (Mashable)
    * Google Map Maker: Crowdsourcing Cartography
      <http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/google_map_maker.php> (Read
      Write Web)

*4. A tag cloud <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_cloud> is a 
visualization of word frequencies.*
Here's an idea...let's go against nearly every Library of Congress 
subject heading and let the PEOPLE tag information into their own 
subject categories. How anti-librarian is THAT? Actually, it may be a 
great idea! At a glance, readers can tell what's talked about, or 
tagged, the most. For a funny example of tagging, click here 
<http://www.toondoo.com/View.toon?param=294029>. To see real life 
applications and creation tools, see below.

    * Wordle <http://wordle.net/>
    * Tag Galaxy <http://taggalaxy.de/> - uses photos tagged in Flickr
      (Try typing in "library" or your city name.)
    * Tag Clouds Gallery: Examples And Good Practices
      (Smashing Magazine)
    * OCLC Tag Cloud Builder

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Bobbi Galvin

OPLIN Customer Service & Support

galvinbo at oplin.org

P: 614.728.5252 | F: 614.728.5256

2323 W. 5th Avenue | Suite 130

Columbus, Ohio 43204



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