[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #179: Video Formats

Bobbi Galvin galvinbo at oplin.org
Wed May 26 14:49:51 EDT 2010

*OPLIN 4Cast #179: Video Formats
*May 26, 2010

  /4casting technologies that could have an impact on public libraries./

When creating and uploading video, you most likely will use YouTube.  
However, you might want to familiarize yourself with video standards and 
formats, should you ever want to create and post your own on another site.  

Depending on what website you're on, you are pretty much stuck using 
their video format <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_codec>.  
Sometimes, the not-so-tech savvy end up frustrated and decide that 
videos are too much of a hassle.  

Finding the encoders and exporters for different formats has come to an 
end.  Introducing...the WebM Project <http://www.webmproject.org/>.  
This is open source, so there are already plenty of free/open source 
tools available <http://www.webmproject.org/tools/> so that you can 
begin publishing in WebM format immediately. 

Here are some of the video formats explained:

    * H.264 <http://www.apple.com/quicktime/technologies/h264/> is one
      of the digital video codecs specified for the Blu-ray (BD) and
      High Definition DVD (HD DVD) formats.  It's the video codec built
      into QuickTime 7
    * WebM: Google tries to free internet video, ensures awesome Linux
      support to come
    * Google leads WebM fightback against H.264 video
    * First Look: H.264 and VP8 Compared

*/Cool link:/*
Of course, there is also Flash video.  But since Flash doesn't perform 
well on mobile devices, a Flash Enthusiast Sends a Hidden Message To 
Steve Jobs 

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Bobbi Galvin
OPLIN Customer Relations & Support
P: 1-888-966-7546

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