[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4cast #351: The future is in the cards

Editor editor at oplin.org
Wed Sep 11 10:30:11 EDT 2013

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OPLIN 4cast #351: The future is in the cards
September 11th, 2013

tarot cardsThere's a quiet revolution going on in the way information is 
presented on the web. Largely driven by the preferences of mobile web 
users, web pages of general information that link to each other are 
being replaced by "cards" - collections of related information about one 
specific thing presented in one discrete, self-contained unit. Think of 
them as virtual baseball trading cards, if that helps. You've probably 
seen cards on the web already; Pinterest, for example, has always been 
designed around cards, and Google Now has used cards 
for some time to deliver information to smartphones. Now Twitter 
delivers information as cards, too. So how can libraries use cards to 
deliver information? Good question, but perhaps the articles below will 
spark some ideas.

  * Why cards are the future of the web
    (Inside Intercom/Paul Adams) "As social media continues to rise, and
    continues to fragment into many services, taking up more and more of
    our time, marketing dollars will inevitably follow. The consistent
    thread through these services, the predominant canvas for
    creativity, will be card based. Content consumption on Facebook,
    Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Line, you name it, is all built on
    the card design metaphor."
  * Twitter cards <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards> (Twitter
    Developers Documentation) "Twitter cards make it possible for you to
    attach media experiences to Tweets that link to your content. Simply
    add a few lines of HTML to your webpages, and users who Tweet links
    to your content will have a 'card' added to the Tweet that's visible
    to all of their followers."
  * Learn how to use Google Now to get info such as weather and traffic
    when you need it
    (Moto X Customer Help) "Google Now delivers customized cards, based
    on information from your Google services (such as locations,
    searches, web history, Gmails, and calendar events) and from
    third-party products that you allow Google to access. For example,
    you may get traffic reports before leaving for a dentist
    appointment, or receive train arrival times while waiting at the
    station after work. View your team's scores on game days, or find
    popular restaurants when you travel."
  * Twitter, canvases and cards
    <http://ben-evans.com/benedictevans/2013/6/18/canvases> (Benedict
    Evans) "The point of 'cards', like the story of mobile social, is
    disaggregation - of the over 200m people who already had Facebook
    but are using WhatsApp for messages - the 100m Instagram users who
    prefer it to Facebook for photos, and so on, and so on. From a
    business point of view, this is interesting because it points to
    distribution and discovery. How do new products and services get
    passed around? How does social sharing evolve?"

*/Innovation fact:/*

/Popular Science/ named Google Now and its "Info Cards" the Innovation 
of the Year <http://www.popsci.com/bown/2012/product/google-now> for 2012.
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