[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4cast #461: Searching outside the box

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OPLIN 4cast #461: Searching outside the box
October 28th, 2015

[image: mobile searches] At the Code/Mobile
<http://recode.net/events/code-mobile/> conference this month, Amit
Singhal, Google's search chief, announced that for the first time more
Google searches were done this summer on mobile devices than desktop
computers. A deeper dive into these numbers, however, reveals some
interesting things about the differences in the ways people use different
devices (computer/tablet/mobile) for searching, and about how frequently
they search for information. Some of the recent search usage data should be
raising a few business concerns at Google. The fourth article linked below
has a particularly detailed statistical analysis of search data that might
especially interest librarians who are curious about people's information
searching habits.

   - Mobile search tops at Google
   (WSJ Digits blog | Douglas MacMillan) "A growing number of those searches
   are not done by typing a query into Google's traditional search engine box.
   In cars, for example, where users can't type, Google is working on
   improving voice recognition. 'Over half the things that people ask the car
   to do are related to information and entertainment,' Mr. Singhal said."
   - Mobile searches surpass desktop searches at Google for the first time
   (TechCrunch | Cat Zakrzewski) "Though the shift to mobile suggests Google
   is adapting to the new digital landscape, it poses more of a challenge for
   the company as mobile search is increasingly vertical. Shoppers
   increasingly are bypassing Google and searching for products directly on
   Amazon. Singhal said when designing search for mobile, the company thinks
   about how you want different search options depending on your setting and
   your device."
   - Google's most important business has a huge problem
   (Business Insider | Nicholas Carlson) "Most of Google's advertisers are
   companies trying to sell products to users who are looking for those
   products via Google. When a user clicks on one of their ads, that user goes
   straight to the advertiser's online store. Because Google told its
   advertisers not to worry about creating campaigns specifically for mobile
   or for desktop, [Danny] Sullivan and [Ginny] Marvin say that most of them
   continued using the same online stores that they had when their ads
   appeared only on Google's desktop search-results pages. These stores were
   not very easy to use on mobile."
   - Google's growing problem: 50% of people do zero searches per day on
   (The Overspill | Charles Arthur) "Thus where someone using a desktop/laptop
   might fulfil their 'average' one or two searches per day by typing
   'Facebook' when they open their browser, on mobile that doesn't happen
   because it doesn't need to happen; they just open the app. [...] People
   don't, on average, search very much on mobile. The miracle of Google, in
   retrospect, is building a multi-billion dollar business by accreting
   millions of rare actions - people doing searches and then clicking on ads."

*Articles from Ohio Web Library <http://ohioweblibrary.org>:*

   - The mobile search shift: In-app or inept?
   (*Information Today*, July/Aug.2015, p.14-15 | Stephen E. Arnold)
   - The brave new world of digital assistants.
   (*PC Magazine*, 10/01/2015, p.102-114 | Michael Muchmore)
   - A library in the palm of your hand: Mobile services in top 100
   university libraries.
   (*Information Technology & Libraries*, June 2015, p.133-148 | Yan Quan
   Liu and Sarah Briggs)

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