[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #669: Face it, emojis are here to stay

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Wed Oct 23 10:30:00 EDT 2019

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OPLIN 4Cast #669: Face it, emojis are here to stay
October 23rd, 2019

[image: Seven spherical emojis in a row] They're seemingly everywhere:
they're even in the subject line of the promotional emails I get from my
car dealership nowadays. They're such an established part of our culture
now that Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton even have their own
Here at OPLIN, we use them regularly for communication in Slack and we even
have a custom one of the OPLIN logo. Emoji have become an established
communication medium in a relatively short time. But, when's the last time
you gave some serious thought to emoji?

   - Meet the student who has created African emojis
   [BBC] ""Meet O’Plerou Grebet, who has created more than 350 downloadable
   emojis with West African cultural references. The 21-year-old from the
   Ivory Coast aims to study 3D design and virtual reality so he can find new
   ways of honouring African tradition."
   - Ellipses and emoji: How age affects communication at work
   " There are four, sometimes even five distinct generations working side by
   side. Couple that with the fact that we now have more ways to communicate
   than ever before, and you sometimes end up with complications. "
   - Why we can’t stop using the “face with tears of joy” emoji
   "You are essentially trying to encode an incredibly complex set of
   emotional and social cues into a tiny little graphic and then hoping that
   the other person correctly interprets what you’re trying to convey,' she
   - Yawning Face: finally, an emoji that embodies life in 2019
   [The Guardian] " *Where is it, though? I can’t find a yawning face among
   the sea of little round emoting heads on my phone’s menu. *That’s
   probably because you’ve got an iPhone. Each “vendor” is responsible for
   adding the new batches of emojis and Apple hasn’t done so yet. Yawning Face
   will be included in the iOS 13.2 update, which is due out imminently; it
   has been rolled out on Twitter and Facebook, as well as Microsoft, Samsung
   and Google devices. "

*From the Ohio Web Library <http://ohioweblibrary.org>:*

   - The winding, heated, and absurdly technical oral history of the ginger
   MONE, G. (2018). The winding, heated, and absurdly technical oral history
   of the ginger emoji. *Popular Science*, *290*(4), 92. )
   - Impeachment inquiry gets a cheeky emoji
   ( Maura Judkis. (10AD, January 2019). Impeachment inquiry gets a cheeky
   emoji. *Washington Post, The*. )
   ( HAUSER, M. (2019). Picturing the Future. *New Republic*, *250*(11),
   36–39. )

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