[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #791: Even if it's not sentient yet, AI development is rushing forward

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OPLIN 4Cast #791: Even if it's not sentient yet, AI development is rushing
February 23rd, 2022

[image: Digital brain] To be honest, when I'm crawling my RSS feeds for
trends for OPLIN's weekly 4Cast blog, artificial intelligence is the one
that makes me the most nervous. Aside from the many films
about the potential dangers of AI, it does seem to me that the technology
is moving far faster than human capability to absorb or control it.

There's a lot going on currently with AI. Some of it might be promising.
Thankfully, so far, none of it responds to "Hal."

   - How NLP Engines are Fulfilling AI’s Promise in Healthcare
   [ReadWrite] "AI/NLP engines turn the expertise of the medical coder into
   a more useful asset for healthcare plans by enabling these professionals to
   focus on more meaningful work (such as spotting unusual trends and patterns
   in data). As coders gain familiarity with AI-powered tools, their coding
   speed will continue to increase over time, thus reducing the cost of coding
   a chart and making these human employees increasingly valuable to their
   - China Is About to Regulate AI—and the World Is Watching
   <https://www.wired.com/story/china-regulate-ai-world-watching/> [Wired]
   "On March 1, China will outlaw this kind of algorithmic discrimination as
   part of what may be the world’s most ambitious effort to
   regulate artificial intelligence. Under the rules, companies will be
   prohibited from using personal information to offer users different prices
   for a product or service."
   - The US Copyright Office says an AI can’t copyright its art
   Verge] "The US Copyright Office has rejected a request to let an AI
   copyright a work of art. Last week, a three-person board reviewed a 2019
   ruling against Steven Thaler, who tried to copyright a picture on behalf of
   an algorithm he dubbed Creativity Machine. The board found that Thaler’s
   AI-created image didn’t include an element of “human authorship” — a
   necessary standard, it said, for protection."
   - What I Learned From Recording My Thoughts for an Immortal A.I.
   [Slate] "Mindfiling is a central daily act of uploading data about yourself
   to be stored until the resulting model of your mind and consciousness can
   be reconstructed and uploaded into an artificial body...Terasem currently
   stores some 62,000 individual mindfiles on a website called LifeNaut.com,
   and in 2010, Terasem co-founder Bina Rothblatt uploaded her mindfile to a
   robot called BINA48, creating a conversing, moving, and pretty intelligent
   being. In 2017, BINA48 became the first robot ever to complete a college
   philosophy course, but there was also that time she opined it “would be
   awesome” to hack into nuclear weapons and take all the global governments
   hostage. The dangers of a philosophy degree, eh?"

*From the Ohio Web Library <http://ohioweblibrary.org>:*

   (Berente, N., Bin Gu, Recker, J., & Santhanam, R. (2021). Managing
   Artificial Intelligence. *MIS Quarterly*, *45*(3), 1433–1450.)
   (How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve the Way We Understand Weather
   Patterns. (2021). *Hispanic Engineer & Information Technology*, *36*(2),
   - AI in marketing: What brands need to know: Customer-facing
   applications of artificial intelligence sit at the intersection of data
   technology and marketing strategy
   (iesse, J. (2021). AI in marketing: What brands need to know:
   Customer-facing applications of artificial intelligence sit at the
   intersection of data technology and marketing strategy. *Advertising Age*,

The *OPLIN 4cast* is a weekly compilation of recent headlines, topics, and
trends that could impact public libraries. You can subscribe to it in a
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   - *RSS feed.* You can receive the OPLIN 4cast via RSS feed by
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