[OPLINLIST] FISH or cut bait?

Dillie, Thomas TDillie@mailserv.gcpl.lib.oh.us
Wed, 29 Oct 2003 14:37:03 -0500

	Has your library used the FISH motivational program for your staff?  =
Did it feed the multitudes or did it stink after three days?  Did you =
keep it as a trophy of motivational success or throw it back?  The OLC =
Management and Administration Division is looking for panelists for a =
discussion at Annual in 2004.  Ideally, we'd like to have managers who =
have found FISH useful and managers who tried it and found it wanting.  =
So don't be shy.  If you're interested in participating please contact =
Tom Dillie, tdillie@mailserv.gcpl.lib.oh.us (937-766-4511) or Karen =
Mabelitini, kmabelitini@mailserv.gcpl.lib.oh.us, (937-376-2995, ext. =
234). =20

	Tom Dillie, Head Librarian
	Cedarville and Jamestown Community Libraries
	Greene County Public Library
	P.O. Box 26
	Cedarville OH 45314