[OPLINLIST] Looking for a program presenter on eBay

sungham@elyria.lib.oh.us sungham@elyria.lib.oh.us
Mon, 19 Apr 2004 11:20:44 -0400

Hi!  My patrons have requested a program regarding how to sell on eBay.  My patrons are accomplished at buying on eBay and would like to learn how to sell. 

Does anyone out there know of a presenter on this topic?  I will be happy to share the information I receive with others on this listserv.  

Thank you!

Susan Ungham
Keystone-LaGrange Community Library
Elyria Public Library System
101 West Street
LaGrange, Ohio 44050
Email sungham@elyria.lib.oh.us
Phone 440-355-6323