[OPLINLIST] Better Living Through XHTML & CSS - Hands-On

Scott Debney scottd@ohionet.org
Wed, 25 Aug 2004 16:45:41 -0400

09/17/04 -=A09:30 a.m. -=A03:30 p.m. @ OHIONET

Better Living Through XHTML & CSS - Hands-On


Web standards are no longer limited to early-adopting web geeks, =20
bloggers, and evangelists. The practical benefits of using standards =20
have never been more evident. Designing with web standards makes your =20=

site faster, more interactive, 508 compliant, easy to maintain & =20
viewable on PDAs and cell phones.

  In this hands-on, step-by-step session you will learn core XHTML and =20=

CSS while designing a valid XHTML 2-5 page website from scratch. We =20
will recreate this fictitious company's website using only XHTML and =20


NOTE: Editors such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver will NOT be used. =20
Ultraedit will be used for development.

Click the following URL for more information:

Scott Debney
Technology Specialist
614-486-2966 ext. 25
Toll Free: 1-800-686-8975
Fax: 614-486-1527