[OPLINLIST] Re: Acceptable behavior policy

pat liening OH0214 lieninpa@oplin.org
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:53:34 -0500

Help please!
After this discussion the followup w/the legal reasons why we couldn't check 
the bag followed. I need the legal reason again why we can't.
Thanks in advance.
I had several board members who wish to see this.
Pat Liening
Tipp City
Eric Taggart writes: 

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Anne Hinton 
> To: Eric Taggart 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 2:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [OPLINLIST] Acceptable behavior policy 
> Eric,
> I've attached our conduct code which includes the following language: 
>      Patrons will be warned once and requested to leave if the unacceptable behavior continues.
>      Suspension of library privileges for a determinate or indeterminate period of time may occur if a patron is found to have engaged in unacceptable behavior on library property.  
> An incident report is filed whenever a patron is asked to leave the library - including the grounds. If a patron is a repeat offender - 3 times usually - the suspension is for one week. I send a letter home to parents with a return receipt requested indicating the suspension. I include the library's conduct code as well as copies of incident reports with the names of staff members and other patrons blacked out. The letter states that further incidents will result in longer suspensions. 
> I have sent three such letters in the last 10 days and have had no arguments from parents. Staff have not indicated if these patrons have since returned. They are all middle school students.  
> I've also attached our child safety policy. This is more difficult to enforce but we have not had too many problems with the younger kids. 
> Hope this helps.
> Anne 
> At 01:25 PM 11/3/2004, you wrote: 
>   Greetings:
>   At the Loudonville Public Library, we have many children who come to the library after school, and very few of them come with adult supervision.  While we occasionally have issues with young children being unattended, our primary problem is discipline.  We think that it would probably be helpful to have some sort of progressive discipline procedure, as it is clear to us that asking a child to leave for that day is ineffective.  Do any of you have any policies or procedures that you have found to be effective?  Any suggestions would be welcome.
>   Thanks in advance-
>   Eric Taggart
>   Children's Librarian/Circulation Coordinator
>   Loudonville Public Library
>   taggarer@oplin.org
>   tel: 419.994.4995  fax: 419.994.5531
> Anne Hinton
> Huron Public Library
> 333 Williams Street
> Huron, Ohio 44839
> 419-433-5009
> 419-433-7228 (fax)
> mailto:hintonan@oplin.org 