[OPLINLIST] CMCIG Spring Workshop

Diane Schrecker dschreck@ashland.edu
Wed, 06 Apr 2005 10:03:41 -0400

* * * * * please excuse cross postings * * * * * *

Curriculum Materials Center Interest Group (CMCIG)
Putting the Pieces Together: The Many Facets of CMC's
2005 Spring Workshop

Friday, April 29, 2005 - 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Instructional Resource Center - 200 White Hall
Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242

Technology and books? Staffing and budgeting? Each year curriculum
materials centers strive to increase the quality of services and
collections while successfully balancing need with budgets and cost of
emerging technologies.  Join ALAO's CMCIG as we put together a few of
the many puzzle pieces necessary for a successful CMC.

Workshop highlights:

Scholastic Book Fairs:  
Lynn Schwarzer, field consultant with Scholastic Books, Strongsville
will discuss hosting book fairs.

Understanding Electronic Portfolios:  
Deanna Romano, Technology Instructor at Ashland University, will
present information on the topic of student created electronic
portfolios.  Participating students will showcase completed technology
portfolio projects.

Weblogs in the Library: 
Candi Clevenger, OhioLINK Communications Manager, will discuss Weblogs,
or Blogs, and their potential use in the library for educational and
marketing purposes.   

Open Discussion:  Take the opportunity to talk about current CMC issues
with other professionals.  Bring your questions, concerns, and ideas for
a period of open discussion.

IRC Tour:  We will tour  Kent State's newly remodeled Instructional
Resource Center.

Parking and Directions:

Please park in the White Hall parking lot, labeled R-16 on the KSU
campus map http://finance.kent.edu/parking/information/map/map.pdf.   
Parking passes for this lot will be available at the registration area.

Registration Deadline: Friday, April 22, 2005      
$30 ALAO/OCLIS Member
$50 Non-members
$50 Non-member, Join ALAO
$20 Student                          

A continental breakfast and soup and sandwich lunch buffet are
No cancellation or refunds given after Monday, April 25, 2005.

For more information, contact:
Diane Schrecker, Instructional Resource Center
Ashland University Library, 509 College Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805
Phone:  419-289-5406		
Email:  dschreck@ashland.edu 	

Diane L. Schrecker, MLIS
Curriculum Librarian
Instructional Resource Center
Ashland University Library
Ashland, OH 44805
Phone:  419.289.5406
Email:  dschreck@ashland.edu
Web:   www.ashland.edu/library/irc