[OPLINLIST] Student Research Center

Don Yarman Don Yarman <yarmando@oplin.org>
Wed, 7 Sep 2005 08:10:55 -0400


Tucked at the very end of the latest OPLIN "Circuit" newsletter
(available at http://www.oplin.org/oplin/circuit/CircuitV2N3.pdf)
is a note about EBSCO's new Student Research Center.  I
encourage you to give this new, friendlier interface a try.

Student Research Center brings together the best homework
resources in our EBSCO collection:  TOPICsearch, Middle
Search Plus, MAS Ultra, Vocational & Career Collection,=20
Newspaper Source, and Health Source Consumer.

A link to Student Research Center appears in the complete
list at www.oplin.org/databases.  You can also access it

                       http:// www.oplin.org/student

Because SRC provides a better content interface, I will
be removing the redundant links to most of the titles listed
above.  (The exceptions are Newspaper Source and Health
Source - Consumer Edition).  Also, because Searchasaurus
provides a better interface to the elementary student
resources, I will remove the direct links to that content
as well:  Primary Search, EBSCO Animals, and the
Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia.  This is a step toward
creating a more manageable list of resources for the public
to choose from.

A QuickStart Guide to the new Student Research Center
will be available in the next few weeks.

                  Don Yarman
                  Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
                  2323 West 5th Ave, Suite 130; Columbus OH 43204
                  614.728.5252 | 614.728.5256 (fax)
                  yarmando@oplin.org | AIM: yarmando

Spotlight on Ohio's Libraries --  http://ohlibraries.blogspot.com