[OPLINLIST] Ohio Indian resources?

Pam Hankinson phankinson@npls.org
Thu, 29 Sep 2005 14:30:54 -0400

Hi Lynne,
I have also been wanting to update the Ohio Indian books and =
Moundbuilder books we have in our juvenile section. We have one book =
called "Mound builders & Cliff Dwellers" ISBN - 0809498588 that is a =
1992 Time Life book, our 2 other books we have are more than 20 years =
old. I have not found anything to replace the "Indians of Ohio" with. I =
have thought about going to the Ohio Historical Society and seeing if =
they had any, but have not taken the time. If anyone finds one =
appropriate for 3 - 5th grade, I would appreciate information also.
Pam Hankinson
Alexandria Public Library
Alexandria, OH


From: oplinlist-admin@oplin.org on behalf of Lynne Welch
Sent: Thu 9/29/2005 2:00 PM
To: oplinlist@oplin.org
Subject: [OPLINLIST] Ohio Indian resources?

Hello colleagues,
         I am hoping someone can recommend a useful book on Ohio's =
We especially need one (or more) covering the Mound Builders and the =
native to the area when settlers arrived. The people using it will be at =
middle-school reading level. I borrowed Lepper's Ohio Archaeology to
preview, but it is too advanced and has no glossary.
         If you have a title that has worked for your student reports,
please share ~

Lynne Welch - Reference Librarian
Herrick Memorial Library - Wellington OH 44090
tel. 440-647-2120       fax 440-647-2103
email <welchly@oplin.org>
website: <wellington.lib.oh.us>

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