[OPLINLIST] Fwd: [ALAO-SSIG] Be someone who'll make a difference & ALAO Spring Workshop Info Attached

Doug Morrison morrison.244 at osu.edu
Fri Mar 31 08:59:24 EST 2006

>Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 16:53:02 -0500
>From: Gaynelle Predmore <predmor at BGNET.BGSU.EDU>
>Subject: [ALAO-SSIG] Be someone who'll make a difference & ALAO Spring 
>  Info Attached
>Hi all,
>It's not too late to "Throw Your Hat Into the Ring" as it were...what am I 
>talking about? Your becoming a candidate for the ALAO Support Staff 
>Interest Group Secretary/Chair-Elect, that's what!. You can really make a 
>difference here in Ohio by becoming actively involved--this is one great 
>way to definitely become active.
>We provide excellent "on-the-job training" along with many learning 
>opportunities, lots of laughs, and, of course, meeting some of the 
>greatest library staff people in the State of Ohio.
>But wait, don't answer yet...below are the job descriptions:
>    * The SSIG secretary/chair-elect is elected annually, and serves in 
> that capacity for one year.  The secretary/chair-elect take minutes at 
> all SSIG Steering Committee meetings.  The secretary/chair-elect will 
> preside over Steering Committee meetings in the absence of the SSIG 
> chair.  The secretary/chair-elect chairs the Outreach and serves 
> committee.  The secretary/chair-elect automatically becomes the SSIG 
> chairperson the following year.
>    * The SSIG chairperson serves for one year.  The chairperson is 
> responsible for the effective leadership and guidance of the ALAO 
> SSIG.  The chairperson will coordinate the planning of programs, 
> workshops and activities of the interest group.  The chairperson is also 
> the chair of the ALAO SSIG Steering Committee and will preside over 
> meetings.  The chair is the SSIG representative to the ALAO Board and 
> will attend ALAO Board meetings and the Leadership Retreat.
>    * The past chair will serve for one year.  The past chair is 
> responsible for gathering nominations for the secretary/chair-elect.  The 
> past chair will serve as chair for the subcommittee that selects the 
> recipients for the Award of Excellence and the Award for Appreciation.
>This is an excellent opportunity for you to
>         a.      Get involved
>         b.      Add to your resume
>         c.      Get involved
>         d.      Try something new
>         e.      Did I mention Get involved?
>Please send your nominations--you're welcome to nominate yourself or a 
>willing co-worker [or if your co-worker isn't willing, send me their name 
>& maybe together we can convince them--I have my methods...ha, ha!] to me: 
>predmor at bgsu.edu
>PS - While I have your attention, attached you'll find a flyer for the May 
>12, 2006 ALAO SSIG Spring Workshop...it's just around the corner so sign 
>up soon!
>Gaynelle L. Predmore
>Library Associate 1
>Curriculum Resource Center/Jerome Library
>Bowling Green State University
>Bowling Green, OH 43403-0170
>E-mail <predmor at bgsu.edu>
>Phone 419.372.2956 or 419.372.9931
>O.L.S.S.I. Website: http://www.olssi.org
>"You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you 
>stop laughing."     -Michael Pritchard-
><https://antispam.osu.edu/b.php?c=n&i=12055894&m=26c67beada6a>Not spam
>previous vote
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