[OPLINLIST] Stumper....Title of story or book on tape...

Barb Scott barbarascott1956 at yahoo.com
Wed May 3 11:36:02 EDT 2006

Ok, now it's my turn to pick the Great Brain's....brain!
  Patron in this morning looking for a book on tape/book cassette that is a true story.  It is narrated by a little boy, and she believes the setting is the 1950s.  He wanders off from the family's camping site and spends several days on the side of a mountain.  She thought the title was "Lost on the Side of the Mountain" or something to that effect.  She also remembers that the little boy, now an older man, speaks at the end.  She recalls the narration as being wonderful.
  If you can supply a title that can help us find this item, please email me directly at barbarascott1956 at yahoo.com
  Thanks so much!
  Barb Scott, Children's Librarian
  Bucyrus Public Library

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