[OPLINLIST] Branch Libraries Survey from PLA

Mimi Morris MMorris at daytonmetrolibrary.org
Wed May 10 09:07:10 EDT 2006

To Ohio Branch Library staff members,


I am a member of PLA's Branch Libraries Committee, and we have compiled
the survey below to direct our activities for the future.  Thank you for
taking a few minutes of your time to let us know how we can be most
effective in providing useful programs and services for branch






The members of the Branch Libraries Committee of PLA's Issues & Advocacy
cluster need your help. Our charge is: "to provide a forum for
discussion for branch libraries; to gather ideas and information useful
to branch libraries; and to disseminate that information through
programs and publications."

Please take a few moments to complete the on line survey at:


The survey will be available from May 10 through June 10, 2006. We will
compile the results and share them with you and the rest of the branch
library community. We plan to use the survey results to plan programs
for conferences and to create useful and share-able documents.

Thank you in advance for your time!


The PLA Branch Libraries Committee members



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