[OPLINLIST] Message Regarding Geothermal Heat In Public Buildings...

Jay Burton oplinlistonly at yahoo.com
Thu May 11 10:29:21 EDT 2006

E-mail News Release:
  Franklin Brown, A.I.A., planning director for the Ohio School Facilities Commission, will join the Making the Grade: Geothermal Heat Pumps in Schools symposium, Wednesday, June 14, at Ottoville High School near Lima. Brown will talk about OSFC’s new commissioning requirement, and he will participate in the geothermal panel discussion. Visit www.makingthegrade.coop today to learn more and register.
  Here’s what Ottoville Superintendent Ken Amstutz says about his school’s experience with geothermal: "We've calculated our total average utility costs to be $0.70 per square foot (most Ohio schools are $1.50+ per square foot). This has saved us $300,000 in less than three years. We have no complaints. We keep most rooms at 73 degrees in the winter. Also, geothermal resulted in less space needed for mechanical rooms. We figure we saved at least the equivalent of two classrooms
a great advantage."
  Geothermal heating and cooling is a known and proven technology. It’s in hundreds of thousands of homes, schools, and businesses throughout North America. Find out why your school should consider geothermal, on Wednesday, June 14, at Ottoville High School. The symposium is from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., registration starts at 9:30 a.m. A free lunch is included. Visit www.makingthegrade.coop today to learn more and register. The event is free, but space is limited. Registration is required.
  In addition to Franklin Brown, OSFC, other speakers include:
  -          Ottoville Superintendent Ken Amstutz
  -          Dr. John Vanderford, president of Vanderford & Associates, a retired school superintendent and current consultant who has been involved in more than 40 school geothermal installations
  -          Dr. Ryan Schmiesing, of Ohio 4-H, who will talk about the new totally geothermal 4-H State Center
  -          Jack DiEnna, key accounts director of the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium, Washington, D.C.
  -          Panel discussion including the above speakers plus Tim Kimmet, Ottoville schools maintenance manager
  Tours will be provided.
  Join superintendents, architects, business managers, facility managers and others from across Ohio. Visit www.makingthegrade.coop today to learn more and register.
  Making the Grade: Geothermal Heat Pumps in Schools is sponsored by Ohio’s Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, www.buckeyepower.com. 
  Matt Berry
  Manager, Customer & Community Relations
  Midwest Electric
  06029 County Road 33A
  St. Marys, OH  45885
  FAX- 419-394-8333
  mberry at midwestrec.com

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