[OPLINLIST] ALAO Conference Early Bird Registration deadline today!

George, Mary Ellen georgem at ohiodominican.edu
Wed Sep 20 10:50:42 EDT 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: Diana Nichols [mailto:nicholsd at ohio.edu] 

Early bird registration for the ALAO 32nd Annual Conference must be 
postmarked by today, Wed. Sept. 20.  This year's conference, Recipes for

Library Success: Ingredients, Process & Product, will be held at the
Plaza Quaker Square in Akron, Ohio on November 3rd.  The Crowne Plaza is
unique hotel fashioned from the former factory of the Quaker Oats
Lunch is included with registration.

A free ALAO Pre-Conference Workshop sponsored by OhioLINK, Marketing 
Research for Libraries 101, will be held on November 2 from 2-4 p.m.,
day before the Conference at the same location, followed by an ALAO
reception sponsored by Thomson Gale (hors d'oeuvres and cash bar

For registration form, further details and contact information:

Hotel reservations must be made by October 3 to receive the special ALAO

Conference rate.  The Conference program and hotel information may be
at: http://www.alaoweb.org/06conf/

There is no cost to attend Marketing Research for Libraries 101, but 
advance registration is required. For more information:

Diana Nichols
Non-Print Formats Cataloger
Communcations Bibliographer
Alden Library, Room 412
Ohio University
nicholsd at ohio.edu

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