[OPLINLIST] OPLIN Focus Groups 2007: Results and Recommendations

Laura Watkins watkinla at oplin.org
Tue Dec 18 14:29:21 EST 2007


As you may or may not know, in the fall of 2007, OPLIN invited select 
library staff from across the state of Ohio to participate in focus 
groups to help OPLIN set its future priorities.  We now invite you to 
review the collective results of this initiative.  The findings are 
accessible below as well as via the OPLIN website 

If you have any questions or comments about the focus groups conducted 
by OPLIN, please feel free to contact myself (watkinla at oplin.org) or 
Stephen Hedges (hedgesst at oplin.org).

Thank you, and season's greetings from OPLIN!

*OPLIN Focus Groups 2007: Report*

         1. Introduction
         2. Methodology
         3. Session Flow General Outline
         4. Discoveries by Category
               1. Databases
               2. Connections
               3. Keeping Up With Technology
               4. Communications/Marketing
         5. Executive Director's Discussion and Recommendations


            1. Introduction

      In the fall of 2007, OPLIN invited select library staff from
      across the state of Ohio to participate in focus groups to help
      OPLIN set its future priorities. The OPLIN board asked Wayne Piper
      of OLC to conduct these focus groups.

      The collective findings from the focus groups conducted by OPLIN
      staff proved to be fairly consistent statewide. Bandwidth and
      databases were the two main areas of interest for most of the
      attending library staff. There was also a recurrent request for
      the public library community to be made aware of both new and
      existing OPLIN services and undertakings. There seemed to be a
      genuine interest in understanding OPLIN's role and in providing
      feedback that may help shape its future. The focus group settings
      tied into this interest wonderfully as it allowed OPLIN staff to
      discuss the role of OPLIN in the context of public libraries.
      Furthermore, library staff seemed pleased that OPLIN was
      soliciting their input and were eager and willing to contribute
      their ideas and suggestions.

            2. Methodology

      Library staff members were, in general, selected by the directors
      of their corresponding regional location. It was suggested that
      they choose individuals who direct or manage small libraries,
      branches or departments and imperative that they be both candid
      and verbal.

      The focus groups were held at the following locations, with
      representatives from the following libraries:

          o Central: Delaware County District Library, September 12, 2007
                + Columbus Metropolitan Library (2)
                + Newark Public Library
                + Westerville Public Library
                + Community Library (Sunbury)
                + Delaware County District Library
                + Worthington Libraries
                + Grandview Heights Public Library
          o Northwest: NORWELD, September 19, 2007
                + Ada Public Library
                + Wood County District Public Library
                + Tiffin-Seneca Public Library
                + Ida Rupp Public Library (Port Clinton)
                + Norwalk Public Library
                + Willard Memorial Library
                + Logan County District Library
                + Auglaize County Public District Library
                + Kaubisch Memorial Public Library (Fostoria)
                + Liberty Center Public Library
          o Northeast: NEO-RLS, October 3, 2007
                + East Palestine Memorial Public Library
                + Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library
                + Hudson Library and Historical Society
                + Warren-Trumbull County Public Library
                + McKinley Memorial Library (Niles)
                + Perry Public Library
                + Hubbard Public Library
                + Avon Lake Public Library
                + Mansfield-Richland County Public Library
                + Shaker Heights Public Library
          o Southeast: SERLS, October 31, 2007
                + Wellston Public Library
                + Herbert Wescoat Memorial Library (McArthur)
                + Portsmouth Public Library
                + Nelsonville Public Library
                + Pickaway County District Public Library
                + Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library
                + Washington County Public Library
                + Garnet A Wilson Public Library of Pike County
                + Briggs Lawrence County Public Library
          o Southwest: SWON, November 6, 2007
                + Clermont County Public Library
                + Adams County Public Library
                + Highland County District Library
                + Blanchester Public Library
                + Middletown Public Library
                + Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County (2)

            3. Session Flow General Outline

          Everyone is introduced
      Why we're here
          -You're here to help OPLIN staff better understand the role
          OPLIN plays in your daily work and the technology challenges
          you face serving customers in your library.
          -Stephen and Laura are here to listen, observe, and record
          their impressions of your remarks, to answer questions about
          OPLIN, and to summarize our work at day's end.
          -Wayne is here to facilitate this discussion in an objective
          way, to engage each of you in the conversation, and to keep
          our conversation on task.
      Impressions of OPLIN
          -Describe the role OPLIN plays in your daily work. You might
          also want to offer insights into how colleagues and customers
          use OPLIN or how your library has integrated OPLIN into its
          website. Be candid.
      Your technology challenges
          -What technology challenges do you face in your library on a
          regular basis?
          -What do you wish technology could do for your library? (The
          "vision" thing.)
          -An example might be...
          -Stephen and Laura can "scribe" the conversations.
      What will happen next
          -Stephen wraps up the day with general remarks on how OPLIN
          might use the information gathered to continue to move the
          organization forward in service to Ohio's public libraries.

            4. Discoveries by Category

              4.1 Databases

          o Google vs. OPLIN
                + Library users want instant gratification with their
                + OPLIN search should look "more like Google."
                + Staff wants relevancy-ranked results.
          o Presentation
                + Customers don't realize that they can access the
                  databases remotely.
                + Customers don't care where the databases come from.
                + Customers aren't aware that the resources are paid for.
                + Users want to be able to search catalog and databases
                  at the same time.
                + The word "database" is confusing to customers.
                + Library staff often associate OPLIN with databases,
                  but aren't sure which databases are provided via OPLIN
                  due to a "seamless integration."
                + Users want information immediately, not after a
                  lengthy, cumbersome, non-intuitive search.
                + Databases are generally confusing to library customers.
                + Libraries link to OPLIN databases from their homepages.
                + Staff prefers the subject listing over the
                  alphabetical listing.
          o Most useful/requested databases
                + NoveList (use frequently)
                + NewsBank (use frequently)
                + EBSCO, specifically: MasterFILE Premier, Student
                  Resource Center (use frequently)
                + Health Databases (use frequently)
                + eLibrary (use frequently)
                + Heritage Quest (requested)
                + Legal Forms Database (requested)
                + Gale Contemporary Authors (requested)
                + Literary Criticism is a "hole" in the collection
          o Future of reference databases
                + The more users can search multiple sources at one
                  time, the better.
                + Users want fast, relevant results.
                + The ease of use is key to database interfaces.
                + Staff would like for the federated search to include
                  locally purchased databases in addition to the
                  statewide resources.
                + Some staff feel that the future of databases is uncertain.
          o Training
                + Both library staff and customers are unaware of what
                  databases are and how to access them.
                + Library staff often use the e-trainings provided by
                  Jay Burton at SLO.
                + Some feel that staff wouldn't want to take the time to
                  be trained on databases.
                + One library director talked about how they provide
                  staff with one hour per week for training purposed.
                + Teachers and professors are not teaching students how
                  to use reference databases.
                + Some libraries are allowing staff time to "play" with
                  the databases to increase familiarity.
                + Some feel that promoting the databases begins with
                  staff training.
                + Explaining the databases takes instruction from
                  reference staff.
                + Some would like to see internal database training:
                  "staff teaching staff."
                + Some staff would prefer interactive online tutorials.

              4.2 Connections

          o More bandwidth, please
                + Almost everyone who attended the focus groups talked
                  about bandwidth issues.
                + Staff would like to utilize software that moderates
                  bandwidth and prioritizes traffic.
                + Many libraries block Myspace.
                + Bandwidth slows after school.
                + Some staff would like to have the public and staff
                  usage separated (with staff use receiving the higher
          o OPLIN as a utility
                + OPLIN is viewed as an "invisible" utility.
                + Some libraries buy additional circuits.
                + All of the focus groups were extremely pleased with
                  the OPLIN Support Center and the self-service function.
                + Libraries would like OPLIN to be more up-to-date (i.e.
                  no more T1 lines).
                + Libraries are interested in OPLIN web hosting and web
                + Libraries want wireless connectivity.
          o Spam
                + There were many complaints about spam. Some staff even
                  stopped using their OPLIN email address because of all
                  the spam.

              4.3 Keeping Up With Technology

          o Public computers
                + Libraries need more space for computers, more
                  computers, and the funds to purchase them.
                + It was suggested that OPLIN offer technology training
                  for the general public.
                + Libraries want technology replacement plans.
                + Libraries are using or would like to use time and/or
                  print management software.
                + Some libraries are experimenting with open source
                + Customers want scanning and fax capabilities.
                + Many libraries use OPLIN as a homepage for the public
                + Library staff are wanting to upgrade their machines to
                  run Vista and/or Office 2007.
                + More people on computers means that more staff is needed.
                + Customers want more computers and more computer time.
          o Staff training
                + There was a general consensus that library staff needs
                  more/better technology/computer training.
                + Libraries find it difficult to ensure that all staff
                  are up to date on technology changes and advancements.
                + Libraries feel that any tech support at all is hard to
                  come by.
                + Smaller libraries have a harder time keeping up with
                  technology demands.
                + Libraries have staff that are "techno-phobic."
                + Library staff would like to increase their library's
                  web presence.

              4.4 Communications/Marketing

          o Databases
                + Library staff would like to see the databases promoted
                + Libraries want to place their own branding with the
                + Staff feel that teachers need to be educated about
                  online resources (databases included).
                + Staff feel that the brochures used to educate
                  customers about databases are outdated and visually
                  unappealing and would like to see brochures by subject
          o OPLIN Services
                + When library staff thinks of OPLIN, they think of
                  connectivity and databases.
                + However, most library staff and customers don't know
                  what OPLIN is, or what services they provide.
                + Library staff think that library professionals should
                  be aware of OPLIN, but not necessarily the general public.
                + Because funding is sometimes based on awareness, there
                  is a need to promote OPLIN more.
                + Staff feels that the name "OPLIN" is vague and
                + Libraries feel that OPLIN is failing to promote itself
                  to them.
                + Staff would like more communication when it comes to
                  resources being added or taken away as well as more
                  say in decision-making processes (i.e. the OPLIN
                  Content Advisory Committee, communicating what OPLIN
                  is "exploring").
                + Staff would like to see continued use of the OPLIN
                + Library staff admit that OPLIN branding gets lost in
                  library marketing efforts.
          o Support
                + Library staff would like to have an OPLIN newsletter
                  (in several formats) available to them to keep them

            5. Executive Director's Discussion and Recommendations

      Let me begin by stating that the reason for doing the focus groups
      was to help the OPLIN Board decide on future spending priorities.
      In particular, the Board looked ahead at the April 2007 meeting to
      the possibility that OPLIN might have some excess E-Rate funds,
      but we were not sure how to plan for spending those funds.
      Accordingly, the Board agreed to ask Wayne Piper and OLC to
      facilitate five small focus groups around the state to find out
      what librarians think they need. We intentionally avoided inviting
      "major players" in the state to these groups, since Board members
      and the OPLIN staff often have contact with these library leaders
      in various other meetings around the state and thus have many
      opportunities to collect their opinions. Instead, we wanted to
      hear from the librarians who use OPLIN in their daily work and
      face daily technology challenges in the library, but may not get
      many opportunities to voice their concerns.

      All groups started by discussing the databases, the first thing
      they thought of when asked how they use OPLIN in their daily work.
      Much of the discussion was not surprising, revolving around the
      difficulties in getting the public to use the databases. There was
      very little sentiment for purchasing more databases; almost all
      the discussion concerned improving access and usability of the
      databases we already buy, with many mentions of Google as a

      At some point the groups would remember that they also get their
      Internet connectivity from OPLIN. This sometimes was expressed as
      a plea for more bandwidth, but often as a simple "thank you" to
      OPLIN for something they take for granted. When they turn on their
      computers in the morning, they trust that the Internet will be
      there. The OPLIN connection is a dependable "utility" serving
      their library. In the rare cases when they had a problem, they
      were effusive in their praise of the Support Center.

      When asked about their daily technology challenges, it became
      clear that public computing is becoming a burden on libraries.
      Members of the group with purchasing authority were concerned
      about finding space for more computers and finding funds to
      purchase and replace computers, especially in light of the demands
      of the new Vista operating system. Members of the group who spent
      a significant amount of their time in direct contact with patrons
      lamented their inability to answer many of the questions they get
      from public computer users, and expressed a desire for more
      computer training.

      After listening to all five groups and then discussing with Wayne
      and Laura what we had heard, my first impression was that OPLIN's
      current spending addresses many of the major technology needs of
      libraries. We are spending money to develop an interface to the
      databases that will probably not "beat" Google (can anyone do
      that?), but may at least let us compete in the same arena. Once
      that interface is developed, we plan to spend money on marketing
      and promotion of the databases. We are spending money to upgrade
      our Internet connections, though we perhaps could be more
      aggressive in that spending. We were able to address some of the
      groups' concerns, such as placing stricter limits on e-mail spam,
      fairly quickly without any major expenditure of funds. And even
      though computer training is not something we have identified as an
      OPLIN service, we do have Jay Burton from the State Library doing
      database training for us. My first reaction was that OPLIN is
      doing a pretty good job.

      On further reflection, however, I believe we can do more:

          o I recommend that OPLIN continue to spend money on web site
            development and usability testing for the Ohio Web Library
            site, but I also recommend that we spend money to upgrade
            public libraries' web sites. These sites should be able to
            take full advantage of the Ohio Web Library and provide an
            attractive "home" for links to OWL. While we may not have
            enough resources to do this ourselves, I recommend we
            reconsider combining our resources with other groups,
            particularly recommending that we reconsider membership in
            the Plinkit Collaborative (www.plinkit.org).
          o I recommend that OPLIN become more aggressive in upgrading
            the Internet connections to libraries. In particular, I
            recommend that we upgrade the connection of every library
            that is consistently using over 80% of current circuit
            capacity during peak afternoon hours. Where Ethernet is
            available, that should be our upgrade path.
          o I recommend that OPLIN purchase a block of online technology
            courses from WebJunction, to be added to the block of
            general courses (800 hours) being purchased by the State
            Library. We had considered this action before, but were
            unhappy with the WebJunction course selection. That
            selection has now improved and looks like it would address
            many of the computer training needs of libraries.
          o I recommend that OPLIN plan to spend significant funds on
            media promotion of the Ohio Web Library once a satisfactory
            user interface has been developed.
          o I recommend that OPLIN repeat these focus groups in two
            years, with new participants. Our experience this time has
            shown us that holding these focus groups is a very strong
            public relations tool.

      Finally, I recommend that the funds needed to accomplish the above
      recommendations come from E-Rate reserves.

Laura Watkins
Library Services Manager

Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
watkinla at oplin.org
P: 614.728.5251 | F: 614.728.5256
2323 W. 5th Avenue | Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio 43204


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