[OPLINLIST] Results - Circulating Videos

Gloria Malone malonegl at oplin.org
Wed Jan 24 09:12:06 EST 2007

Below is the results I received from my question about libraries 
circulating videos.  We will probably keep our videos for now, but may be 
more ruthless when discarding them.

Thank you to all who responsed.
Gloria Malone

18 libraries replied.

Generally  no one is purchasing new videos and they are slowly getting rid 
of videos as they go bad, look bad or have low circulation.

All but 2 libraries are still circulating videos

2 libraries are offering the videos for a longer loan period and 1 library 
lowered the overdue fines for videos.

At least 3 libraries are planning on eliminating videos in the near future 
due to space

1 library discarded adult videos some time ago and recently discarded 
children's videos.  Did keep ones that are of local interest, etc that are 
not available on DVD.

Most libraries are replacing instructional videos with DVDS.

1 library offered discarded videos free to patrons.

Concerns about completely getting rid of videos:
         Some patrons don't have DVD players
         The library is the only place to get videos
         People cannot afford rental fees so libraries still want to offer 
this service
         Videos can be a standby when a DVD is not available

Gloria Malone, Reference   malonegl at oplin.org
Champaign County Library
1060 Scioto Street, Urbana, OH  43078
voice 937-653-3811   fax 937-653-5679

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