[OPLINLIST] "My War: Northwest Ohioans Remember World War II"

Allan Gray agray at wcnet.org
Wed Sep 12 13:58:57 EDT 2007

The Northwest Regional Library System (NORWELD), in cooperation with six of 
its member libraries, has created a new "web exhibit" about World War II 
that's been excerpted from over 100 oral history interviews conducted in 
the region over the past year.  "My War: Northwest Ohioans Remember World 
War II" brings local perspective to a subject that is being brought to 
renewed national prominence by a Ken Burns documentary, "The War."

The web exhibit covers subjects ranging from military training and combat 
to communications and censorship, life in the military, and the impact of 
the war on the home front.  The clips are searchable by library where the 
interviews were shot as well as by subject.

The streaming video interviews can be found at 
http://www.ohnarratives.org/mywar  and are best viewed over a high speed 
Internet connection.

Allan Gray
Northwest Regional Library System (NORWELD)
181 1/2 S. Main St.
Bowling Green, OH 43402
419-352-8061 (phone)
419-353-8310 (fax)
agray at wcnet.org

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