[OPLINLIST] automated answering system

Maria Vega vegama at oplin.org
Wed Aug 13 09:34:57 EDT 2008

Hi, thanks to everyone who replied to my question about automated 
answering systems in small to medium size libraries.  From the responses 
I received, it was clear that everyone who replied felt strongly one way 
or the other--either it was great to answer personally and added a 
welcoming touch or it was more convenient for patrons to get the phone 
answered immediately and to be able to go directly to the person or 
department they were looking for.  About 60% of the libraries who 
responded had a hybrid automated system where the phone was answered by 
a live person and only if the phone couldn't be picked up would an 
automated system kick on.  About 20% had a fully automated system and 
20% always answered with a live person.

Our library will probably go with a hybrid system.  We will try to 
answer the calls but after five rings an automated system will kick on. 

Thank you again,
Maria Vega
Flesh Public Library
Piqua Ohio

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