[OPLINLIST] information from ALA

Hickson, Pamela phs at akronlibrary.org
Tue Jan 8 13:04:05 EST 2008

This letter went to the Public Printer last week.  Members of GODORT and
Bill Sleeman who worked on it.


Pam Hickson-Stevenson, Ohio Chapter Councilor to ALA

January 2, 2008

Robert C. Tapella

Public Printer of the United States

732 North Capitol Street

Government Printing Office
Washington, DC 20401

Dear Mr. Tapella: 

Thank you for allowing the American Library Association the opportunity
to provide input into the appointment process for the next
Superintendent of Documents. We appreciate that the GPO values the input
of the Association regarding the qualities that should be exhibited by
the next Superintendent.

  The new Superintendent should be committed to no-fee permanent public
access to government information in all forms, and should endeavor to
work in partnership with agencies, courts, publishers, depository
libraries, librarians, and library associations to achieve this goal.

  The new Superintendent of Documents must be a vigorous advocate before
Congress for the continuation of the Federal Depository Library Program.
Even though the Internet makes digital documents available to anyone
anywhere, there will continue to be a need for depositories as centers
of access and expertise in government information. It falls to the
Superintendent of Documents to impart to Congress that the FDLP is and
will continue to be a viable program.

  The new Superintendent of Documents should ensure that the Federal
Digital System (FDSys) is an ongoing priority of GPO. FDSys should be
continuously upgraded and improved based on evolving requirements for
access and interoperability with other information systems. It is also
important to build and maintain confidence among depository libraries
that FDSys can act as a permanent digital repository. 

  The new Superintendent should encourage GPO to partner with libraries
and should be willing to help coordinate those libraries' efforts to
achieve the goal of a digitized, complete legacy collection of tangible

  The new Superintendent must direct GPO to create practical standards
for metadata, preservation, and authentication of digital documents.
Such standards, which can be applied locally by depository libraries,
are very important for the continued provision of government information
in an increasingly digital environment.

  The new Superintendent should understand that as GPO moves to
majority-digital documents, the need for technical support of FDLP
libraries will increase, and GPO should make a commitment to meet those
needs in a prompt fashion. The new Superintendent should understand the
importance of fostering cooperation among federal agencies to ensure the
orderly dissemination and preservation of electronic information. While
it is understood that this is one of the goals of FDSys, fugitive
electronic documents will continue to be created unless a concerted
effort is maintained to eliminate them.

  In order to aid depository libraries in adapting to GPO's transition
to a majority-digital documents program, the new Superintendent should
investigate a revision of Title 44 with regard to the 5-year time
requirement for libraries to hold documents in print and microfiche.

  The new Superintendent should actively seek input from depository
libraries with regard to the operations of the Federal Depository
Library program.

  The new Superintendent should have a continued commitment to have GPO
produce core titles in print for purposes of preservation and access.

* The new Superintendent should consider the implementation of public
relations initiatives to build awareness of the FDLP and the services
that FDLP libraries provide.

* The new Superintendent must remain aware that a number of government
reports and other publications are commercially published, rather than
being published by GPO and distributed to depository libraries. The
Superintendent should recognize the value of cultivating positive
relationships with agencies, commissions, and publishers to ensure that
this information remains freely available to the public in the spirit of
the FDLP and public access to government information.

Thank you again for the opportunity to provide input into this
appointment process.


Emily Sheketoff

Executive Director

American Library Association Washington Office



Pamela J. Hickson-Stevenson, Assistant Director

Akron-Summit County Public Library

60 S. High Street

Akron, OH  44326


Phone 330.643.9102

Fax 330.643.9160


phs at akronlibrary.org <mailto:phs at akronlibrary.org> 

www.akronlibrary.org <http://www.akronlibrary.org>  


The Akron-Summit County Public Library provides resources for learning
and leisure, information services, meeting spaces, and programs for all
ages that support, improve, and enrich individual, family, and community


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