[OPLINLIST] Are you missing Hannah?

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Mon Jul 7 10:14:26 EDT 2008

If you used to get The Hannah Report by email, but have not been
receiving it since July 1, or if you would like to start receiving The
Hannah Report by email, please read on.

Because of budget restrictions, OPLIN is no longer providing
subscription access to Ohio Capitol Connection. (Libraries that wish
to continue access to OCC on their own should contact the vendor:
Rotunda, Inc., 614.227.5820, info at rotundacollection.com) However,
OPLIN has purchased continued access to The Hannah Report, which was
formerly included in the OCC subscription and automatically emailed to
libraries. Under the new agreement there are restrictions on access,
as described below, and you MUST specifically request The Hannah
Report before it will be sent to you.

Hannah News Service will distribute up to two (2) copies of their
daily Ohio government newsletter, The Hannah Report, to up to 200 Ohio
public libraries, effective July 1, 2008. "Public library" is defined
as either a main or branch library facility.

Distribution will be of the pdf copy of The Hannah Report sent via
e-mail through OPLIN to libraries that request it. One copy may be
sent to the library Director or the Director's designee. This copy is
to be used for administrative purposes and may be printed and
distributed to the library's professional staff in the receiving
facility. This copy is NOT for public access or for distribution in
print, by electronic distribution, or other means to non-library
personnel, except that specific issues of particular interest to the
library may be distributed in print to the library Trustees.

A second copy may be sent to one library staff e-mail address for
daily printing for patron reading. The intent is for this print copy
to be placed with other newsletters for patron perusal, in a notebook
or other binding. This e-mail copy may not be re-distributed via
e-mail, posted on a public website, or otherwise distributed
electronically. The library may maintain a
single copy of each issue of The Hannah Report in any department or
departments within that library facility. (Government Documents,
Social Studies, Education, Health and Human Services, General
Newsletter Collection, etc.) Patrons may print single copies of this
printed copy of The Hannah Report. The Hannah Report is not to be
distributed to other library locations.

OPLIN will maintain a listserv for distribution of The Hannah Report.
In the past, we automatically sent The Hannah Report to libraries; now
you MUST specifically request it. Please send an e-mail to
director at oplin.org asking to be added to the Hannah listserv and
indicate if the copy is to be used for library administrative purposes
or will be used for patron reading.


Stephen Hedges, Executive Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio  43204
614-728-5250    AIM: hedgesst

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