[OPLINLIST] Learn-A-Test computer skills tutorials

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Thu Jul 10 08:00:13 EDT 2008

The Learning Express collection of tests (http://www.oplin.org/tests)
has been enhanced with a set of computer skills tutorials from
Learn2.com. These tutorials appear under the heading "Computer Skills"
in the list of tests and use a combination of audio, video, graphic
animation, screen captures and text to teach computer skills.

I am reminding you that Learning Express tech support has alerted us
that this Learn2 package of computer skills tutorials requires the
installation of a small multimedia player that extends the
capabilities of the browser; Learning Express also
warned us that this player currently will not run on Vista or Mac OS X.

Here are the system requirements for the multimedia player (from the
Learn2.com web site):

- Operating System: Windows 95 OSR2 or later, Windows 98, Windows NT
4.0 SP3 or later, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Macintosh
- Browser: Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (5.5 or higher recommended),
Netscape 4.5 or later, AOL 4.0 + for Windows 95
- Processor: Pentium Class, Macintosh PowerPC
- Memory: 16MB or more of RAM (32MB RAM for Mac)
- Sound: Audio device, installed & configured

The player can be downloaded from:

Library technical staff might want to pre-install this player on their
public access computers. Users who try to access the tutorials from a
computer that does not have the player installed will be taken to the
Learn2.com site and asked to install it.

There is also a way to install the software on multiple Windows
machines using a Windows Installer file (or "Microsoft Installer" --
".MSI" -- file). The necessary files can be downloaded as a zip file

Stephen Hedges, Executive Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. 5th Avenue, Suite 130
Columbus, Ohio  43204
614-728-5250    AIM: hedgesst

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