Luren Dickinson dickinson at shakerlibrary.org
Mon Jul 14 15:35:18 EDT 2008

Shaker Heights Public Library's "Meet the Author" series continues this week.

Author:  Nancy Pearl 
Date:  Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Time:  7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Place:  Bertram Woods Branch, Shaker Heights 

Nancy Pearl, author and celebrated book reviewer, cited as “the talk of librarian circles” by the New York Times, will offer reading suggestions for folks seeking what to read next.  The former Executive Director of the Washington Center for the Book, Nancy Pearl is a regular commentator about books on National Public Radio`s "Morning Edition."

Nancy Pearl received her Master’s in Library Science from the University of Michigan and worked as a librarian and bookseller in Detroit, Tulsa, and Seattle.  In 1998, she developed the program “If All of Seattle Read the Same Book,” which spread across the country. 

She is the author of Book Lust, More Book Lust, and Book Crush:For Kids and Teens: Recommended Reading for Every Mood, Moment, and Interest. 

In 2004, she became the 50th winner of the Women’s National Book Association Award for her extraordinary contribution to the world of books.  She is currently serving as a consultant for Cuyahoga County Public Library’s "Reconnect with Reading" initiative and appears at the library through a collaboration with CCPL. 

Luren E. Dickinson, Director 
Shaker Heights Public Library 
16500 Van Aken Boulevard 
Shaker Heights, OH  44120 
Voice: 216-991-2030, ext. 3001 
FAX: 216-991-5951 
Email: dickinson at shakerlibrary.org 
Website: www.shakerlibrary.org

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