[OPLINLIST] Virginia Hamilton Conference at Kent State---REGISTER SOON!

FILIPAN, RHONDA rfilipan at kent.edu
Tue Mar 11 14:31:03 EDT 2008

The 24th Annual Virginia Hamilton Conference on Multicultural Literature for Youth


April 10 and 11, 2008



Join us on April 10 and 11, 2008, for the 24th Virginia Hamilton Conference,

a forum on multicultural themes and issues in literature for children and young

adults. Russell Freedman, winner of the 10th Annual Virginia Hamilton Literary

Award, will deliver the keynote address on Thursday evening. Friday’s full-day

program features presentations by Patricia McCormick, Jerry Pinkney and

Gloria Jean Pinkney, as well as workshop sessions on a number of topics


The registration deadline is Friday, March 1, 8. We will accept late registrations

on a space-available basis only, and pre-registration is required. Seating

is limited, so register early! The Thursday evening program cost is $0 and

the Friday program is $, which includes conference materials, continental

breakfast, luncheon, featured speakers, two workshops and parking. Certificates

of attendance will be available the day of the conference. For disability

accommodations, call --. We will send you an e-mail confirmation

one week after we receive your registration and payment. We will send confirmation

letters two weeks prior to the conference.


*Register for both programs (Thursday & Friday) and receive

a FREE copy of “Art and Story: The Role

of Illustration in Multicultural Literature

for Youth” (A.L. Manna and C.S. Brodie,

editors). Books will be available the day

of the conference, while supplies last.


To register: 



Visit us online at http://www.yourtrainingresource.com <http://www.yourtrainingresource.com/> 

(click on Programs, then Education)


Phone in your registration to -- or toll-free in Ohio, --ksu; 


Make check or money order payable to Kent State University, or pay

by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover over the phone. 


Withdrawal/Cancellation Policy: Cancellations made on or after April 0

are subject to nonrefundable deposit fees of $ for Friday’s program and $

for Thursday’s program. No cancellations will be accepted after the conference

begins. If the conference is canceled due to insufficient enrollment, all fees will

be refunded. If you are unable to attend, you may arrange to have a substitute

attend in your place.


Housing: A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the Hampton Inn,

 sr , Kent, OH, 0--, at a special rate of $79 per night. To make

your reservation, call the hotel no later than March 0, and indicate that you

are registered for the Virginia Hamilton Conference.










Rhonda S. Filipan

Academic Program Coordinator

School of Library and Information Science

Kent State University



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