[OPLINLIST] Society of Ohio Archivists Conference Registration Available

Angela O'Neal aoneal at ohiohistory.org
Sun Mar 16 20:44:53 EDT 2008

The Society of Ohio Archivists will hold its annual meeting, "Symbiosis: Tradition and Technology" May 8-9, 2008 at OCLC in Dublin, Ohio. The conference will focus on both traditional archival techniques and the role of technology in archives. A pre-conference workshop with OhioLINK's EAD Task Force will be held May 7. All sessions are at the Conference Center at OCLC, located at 6600 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio. See http://www.oclc.org/conferencecenter/brochures/12442_conference_center_flier.pdf <https://mail.ohiohistory.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.oclc.org/conferencecenter/brochures/12442_conference_center_flier.pdf>  for information and directions.

Pre-Conference Workshop: Hands-on EAD: Using the New OhioLINK EAD Finding Aid Creation Tool to Encode Finding Aids

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.  (Limited to 15 participants)

Registration Fee:  $20.00

This all-day workshop will familiarize participants with the new Web-based EAD creation tool that has been created by OhioLINK's EAD Task Force. Workshop attendees will get hands-on experience in using the Web-based application as Task Force members lead them through the creation of a basic finding aid. Participants will also discover how the EAD application and Finding Aid Repository will work together to create a searchable collection of archival finding aids from institutions all across Ohio. They will have an opportunity to explore the Repository search engine and to browse some finding aids that have been created during the testing phase of the project. Participants do not need to bring collection information with them. Participants will work with a sample finding aid provided by the presenters. Basic familiarity with EAD is helpful but not required. The Task Force will provide some information to participants prior to the workshop in order to facilitate learning for those who are new to Encoded Archival Description.

Workshop Leaders: Cara Gilgenbach - Kent State University; Rhonda Rinehart - University of Akron

Workshop Facilitators: Janet Carleton - Ohio University; Beth Kattelman - The Ohio State University; Amy McCrory -- The Ohio State University

Program Information

Join us for an opening session on strategic planning and help SOA to create a strategic plan. Facilitator J.D. Britton of the Ohio Historical Society will lead SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analyses for both SOA and for the field of archives as a whole. SOA invites members and non-members alike to participate. The SWOT exercise is also great experience for beginning strategic planning at your own institution. 

Other Sessions include: 

*	Rebuild and Flood Proof: Disaster Recovery at the Findlay-Hancock County Public Library 
*	Archives Reference Panel 
*	Combined Cataloging: Archives and Object Collections 
*	Archives 2.0: A Survey of Library, Archives, and Museum Projects Using Web 2.0 
*	Copyright for Archivists 
*	Introduction to OhioLINK's EAD Task Force 
*	Archives Advocacy Panel 
*	Trends in Technical Services 
*	Issues in University Archives Panel 
*	History Day: Engaging Students and Teachers in History 
*	Minimal Processing: A Case Study 
*	Second Life 101  

Register Early and Save

Take advantage of these deals by registering early:           

            $50 SOA Members 

            $65 Non-Members

            $35 Students (Valid ID Required)

            $35 One-day registration


Registration includes continental breakfast and lunch both days. Register online or download a paper registration form at www.ohioarchivists.org. Pre-Registration ends April 25, 2008. Register now!

For More Information:
Visit the SOA website <https://mail.ohiohistory.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.ohioarchivists.org>  (www.ohioarchivists.org) for program information and to register online. Contact Erik Mayer, Program Co-Chair, at (614) 764-6072; E-mail mayere at oclc.org.



Angela O'Neal
Digital Projects Manager 
Ohio Historical Society 
(614) 297-2576 


View our collections online: http://www.ohiohistory.org/resource/archlib/ <https://mail.ohiohistory.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.ohiohistory.org/resource/archlib/>  


JP Morgan Chase presents Once Upon A Dime: The World of Money, organized by The Newark Museum, on exhibit at the Ohio Historical Center Museum in Columbus from September 1, 2007 through April 1, 2008. Discover the fascinating story of money from the barter system to digital dollars through a series of family friendly hands-on activities. Visit www.ohiohistory.org/dime for details.  

Are you a member? Membership is more valuable than ever, with four featured exhibits scheduled during the next 12 months! Learn more today at www.ohiohistory.org/about/mem.html <https://mail.ohiohistory.org/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.ohiohistory.org/about/mem.html> .



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