[OPLINLIST] Kent State announces Goodyear Professorship---Available Spring '09

FILIPAN, RHONDA rfilipan at kent.edu
Mon Sep 22 13:30:23 EDT 2008

Kent State University

Goodyear Professor

in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management

School of Library and Information Science

The School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University is pleased to announce the creation of the distinguished Goodyear Professorship (tenure track or professor of practice) in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management. The Professorship is possible because of the generous support of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. The Professor would be expected to provide academic leadership in the Information Architecture and Knowledge Management program and to serve as a liaison in knowledge management to the business community. The successful candidate's portfolio must include an outstanding record of academic or professional accomplishments in knowledge management that would warrant appointment at the associate or full professor level.

Teaching competencies, teaching experience, research experience and work experience are sought in the area of knowledge management with competence in several of the following areas:

Document Engineering/Management

Business Process Management

Document, Records and Enterprise Content Management

Business Intelligence/Competitive Intelligence

Intellectual Capital Management

Digital Asset Management

Interaction Design/User Experience Design

A tenure track or non-tenure track appointment may be awarded depending on qualifications and interest of the successful candidate with rank also commensurate with the background of the candidate. Salary is competitive with a $90,000 minimum for a nine month contract; benefits are excellent. The position is available beginning spring 2009. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled; review of applicants will begin December 1, 2008.

The Master's Program in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management (http://iakm.kent.edu<https://exchange.kent.edu/OWA/(http:/iakm.kent.edu>) is a unique, innovative program inaugurated in Fall 2001. It has three concentrations: Information Architecture, Information Use and Knowledge Management. In order to provide better access to knowledge management expertise, an online certificate and degree program was launched in fall 2007. Facilities include a state-of-the-art usability lab (http://usability.slis.kent.edu/<https://exchange.kent.edu/OWA/(http:/usability.slis.kent.edu/>), fully-digital classrooms with the most current hardware and software, state-of-the-art distance education tools, whether through interactive television or web-based synchronous or asynchronous learning objects, and instructional designer support.

Qualifications include (1) a Ph.D. degree in Information Science, in Knowledge Management or a related field; substantial experience in research and/or business or (2) Master's in Information Science or related field with considerable demonstrated work and/or consulting experience in business in the area of knowledge management.

Interest in asynchronous digital distance learning is preferred.

Interested applicants should apply at https://jobs.kent.edu <https://jobs.kent.edu/>

Candidates should also send a letter of application and vita to:

Dr. Carolyn Brodie or Dr. Thomas Froehlich (Co-chairs)

School of Library and Information Science

PO Box 5190

Kent State University

Kent, Ohio 44242

Questions concerning the position may be addressed to the Search Committee Co-Chairs, Dr. Carolyn S. Brodie at cbrodie at kent.edu<mailto:cbrodie at kent.edu> or Dr. Thomas Froehlich, Program Director, Information Architecture and Knowledge Management at tfroehli at kent.edu<mailto:tfroehli at kent.edu>. They can also be reached at 330-672-2782.
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