[OPLINLIST] E-Rate workshops for 2010 funding year

Missy Lodge MLODGE at sloma.state.oh.us
Fri Jul 24 07:50:39 EDT 2009

OPLIN and the State Library of Ohio are once again partnering on E-Rate
workshops for public libraries.  Lorrie Germann and Steven Crumbacker
from E-Tech Ohio will be conducting the workshops.  The Form 470
workshop is scheduled for October 28, 2009 and the Form 471 workshop is
scheduled for December 14, 2009.  Both workshops will be held at the
State Library with several videoconference sites around the state.  


More information on the workshop sites and registration information will
be made available closer to the dates.  


Additionally, a webinar will be held the last week of September.  The
webinar will be hosted by Kendra Morgan, TechAtlas and is designed to
assist public libraries in using the TechAtlas tool for the development
of a Technology Plan that meets all E-Rate requirements.  Public
libraries are encouraged to use this free technology tool available at
WebJunction Ohio or webjunction.techatlas.org
<http://webjunction.techatlas.org/> .





Missy Lodge

Head, Library Programs and Development


800.686.1532 (Ohio only)

614.466.3584 (fax)

http://library.ohio.gov <http://library.ohio.gov> 

The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist
state government and libraries in providing the best service to all.


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