[OPLINLIST] Inquiry about confidentiality disclosure on your card application form

Amy Trotter amy.trotter at ritter.lib.oh.us
Fri Apr 1 15:28:22 EDT 2011

Does your library's card application form have language on it that refers to ORC §1347.01? I'm interested in examples of disclosures stating that information submitted on an application becomes part of a customer database in accordance with ORC §1347.01 and is confidential. Does your disclosure inform an applicant that they may legally refuse to supply information marked with an *, as it is considered optional? If you have a similar disclosure and are willing to share it, please email me offlist or fax it.

Thank you!


Amy Trotter
Head of Reference
Ritter Public Library
5680 Liberty Avenue
Vermilion, Ohio 44089
440-967-3798 (phone)
440-967-5482 (fax)
amy.trotter at ritter.lib.oh.us

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