[OPLINLIST] Fwd: Mary E. "Betty" Pettit

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Sun Apr 1 07:09:50 EDT 2012

-----Original Message-----
 From: "Ada Kent" <AGKent at columbus.rr.com>
 To: "OELMA_MBR" <oelma-mbr at www.listport.com>
 Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2012 12:23:38 -0400
 Subject: [oelma-mbr] Mary E. "Betty" Pettit

One of my first library supervisors, Mary E. “Betty” Petit died 
yesterday. I learned a lot from Mrs. Pettit. She was a very caring person 
and related so well to the community both of us served at the Parsons Branch 
Library. She made the library a very welcoming place to young and old and 
she will be missed by her library colleagues, especially by all of those she 
mentored so lovingly. A full obituary is in this morning’s Columbus 

I would appreciate someone sending this information to the OPLIN Listserv.

Many thanks,

AdaG. Kent, Retired---

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