[OPLINLIST] Program Planners, Unite!

SWON Info info at swonlibraries.org
Wed Dec 12 17:18:08 EST 2012

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Here’s a familiar story: I’m so busy working at SWON that I rarely get a chance to attend a Special Interest Group meeting. Every time I do sit down at a SIG, though, I’m impressed with the energy and creativity you bring to your work. You come looking for ideas and solutions, but you’re also quick to share your plans and resources. I always leave inspired, and with at least a full page of notes. 

So we’re very excited when a new SIG starts up. This week we had the first meeting of the new Adult Planning & Services (APS) SIG in Dayton. If that topic sounds familiar, PLAPPN has been gathering to share programming ideas for a long time, but their meetings are usually near Cincinnati. So a group that’s easier for Dayton-area librarians to attend is very welcome. 
Here are a couple ideas they shared on ways to market programs through Facebook: 

    1. Limit the number of posts to 2 or 3 per day. 
    2. Use pictures and polls to encourage people to interact. 
    3. When you see a great idea on someone else’s Facebook page or other social media site, use it! 

Facebook “Likes” are important, since they not only share your post in a person’s feed, they also make your posts more likely to appear in that person’s feed in the future. But try not to just beg for “Likes.” Be generous with ideas and resources and recommendations. Give people something to “Like” and they’ll be eager to see and share your posts. 
SWON Libraries 

Come check us out on our calendar at http://tiny.cc/SWON-Calendar 
Website, swonlibraries.org 
Facebook Page SWON Libraries 
Twitter at SWONlibraries 

Tell us what you think and what you would like to see more from us. 

Next SWON Libraries Event: 

Open House - Kick-off 40th Anniversary Year -- December 18, 2012 

Save the Date: 
Summer Reading Programs, 
Adult Webinar, January 30th 
Teen Webinar Pt 1, February 6th 
Teen Webinar Pt 2, February 20th 
Teen Webinar Pt 3, February 26th 
Children's in person workshop -- March (specific dates TBA) 

Spring Support Staff Symposium, May 21st 

Calendar Snippet 

December 2012 

Event 	Date 	Location 
Mind Mapping: What You Need to Know To Get Started 	12/13/12 	On line 
CLEAR: Children's Literature Evaluation and Review Interest Group 	12/13/12 	Campbell County KY Public Library Newport Branch 
CLEAR: Children's Literature Evaluation and Review Interest Group 	12/14/12 	SWON Libraries Conference Room 
OPEN HOUSE - Kick-off 40th Anniversary Year 	12/18/12 	SWON Libraries 
Exploring the book "The Four Agreements" A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom 	12/20/12 	On line 


Contact Information: 
SWON Libraries Consortium 
10250 Alliance Dr. 
Suite 225 
Blue Ash, OH 45242 

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