[OPLINLIST] News from SLIS at Kent State, Oct. 16, 2012

Cunningham, Flo fcunning at kent.edu
Tue Oct 16 16:09:57 EDT 2012

Below are headlines and links to recent news from the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University.

Also note - Kent State SLIS will have a booth at the upcoming OELMA conference in Sandusky (Oct. 18 and 19). We are also sponsoring a table at the alumni reception (Oct. 30 at 6:30 p.m.) at next week's ASIS&T conference. Stop by to say hello!

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SLIS at Kent State to honor alums at annual event
The School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University will host its annual Alumni and Friends Honors and Awards Program on Tuesday, Oct. 23, beginning with a reception at 5:30 p.m. The event will be held at OCLC in the Kilgour Building, 6565 Kilgour Place, in Dublin, Ohio. Guest speaker for this year is alumna Sue Polanka (pictured, right), head of Reference & Instruction at Wright State University Libraries. Polanka was honored recently as one of the 2011 Library Journal "Movers & Shakers" and is editor of the series "No Shelf Required." Nine alumni will be recognized, including Jeff Young, M.L.S. '02, OCLC Research - Software Architect, LIS Alumnus of the Year; Paige Lucas-Stannard, M.L.I.S. '04, M.S. IAKM '05, IAKM Alumnus of the Year;  and Beverly Cain, M.L.S. '86, State Librarian of Ohio, Friend of the Year. Read more at http://www.kent.edu/slis/news/newsdetail.cfm?newsitem=556F6C51-FAFF-C974-B7D9E809893C8B56.

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Wicks Named Editor of Journal of Religious and Theological Information

Don A. Wicks, Ph.D., associate professor and interim director of the School of Library and Information Science, has been named editor of the Journal of Religious and Theological Information<http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wrti20/2/2>. Wicks also serves as director of the Center for the Study of Information and Religion<http://www.kent.edu/CCI/slis/research/csir/index.cfm> (CSIR), a research initiative of SLIS that was created in 2009 to examine how various institutions and agents of religion impact social knowledge through the use, dissemination and diffusion of information. He has published and presented numerous papers internationally, including his work on information seeking and seniors and on clergy and information behavior. Read more at http://www.kent.edu/slis/news/newsdetail.cfm?newsitem=55FF42D8-F52D-DD4B-FA49723B6B5A1498.

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Call for Papers: Conference on Information and Religion

The Center for the Study of Information and Religion (CSIR) will host its Third Annual International Conference on Information and Religion on June 19-22, 2013, in conjunction with the American Theological Library Association Annual conference. Keynote speaker for the CSIR conference will be Peter Ochs, Ph.D., Edgar M. Bronfman Professor of Modern Judaic Studies, University of Virginia, and founding editor of the Journal of Scriptural Reasoning (http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/journals/ssr<http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/journals/ssr/>/).

This call for papers and posters seeks original contributions in a variety of areas in which scholars are exploring the intersections of religion and information. Deadline for abstract submission is Nov. 1, 2012.

For more information and the link to submit abstracts, visit http://www.kent.edu/slis/research/csir/2013-conference-on-information-and-religion.cfm.<http://www.kent.edu/CCI/slis/research/csir/2013-conference-on-information-and-religion.cfm>

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Health Informatics Student Interns at Area Hospital
A two-week Heath Informatics internship with Akron General Medical Center solidified Rachel Nordhoff's decision to continue her education in the Health Informatics graduate program at Kent State University. The internship was designed for Health Informatics students who don't have health care experience. The opportunity helped Nordhoff understand how hospitals and clinical staff utilize their current systems, the advantages and challenges presented by those systems and the varying needs of different departments in regard to the systems. It also made her more aware of "the atmosphere of urgency that permeates health care: when lives are on the line, delays and errors take on new meaning. Even a malfunctioning printer can cause massive issues," she said. Read more at http://www.kent.edu/slis/news/newsdetail.cfm?newsitem=D9C7CD03-BA18-ECC3-5043FECA1D329CF2.

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Recent publications and presentations

Goodyear Professor of Knowledge Management Denise Bedford, Ph.D., contributed a chapter titled "Religious Communities of Practice and Knowledge Management-The Potential for Cross-Domain Learning" in the book Knowledge Management Handbook: Collaboration and Social Networking, Second Edition, edited by Jay Liebowitz, University of Maryland University College, Adelphi, and published by CRC Press (2012).

SLIS adjunct instructor Catherine Closet-Crane, Ph.D., has published a chapter titled, "The discursive construction of the academic library as learning place in A2K," in J. Lau, A.M. Tammaro, & T. Bothma (eds.), Libraries Driving Access to Knowledge, pp. 215-246<javascript:HandleLink('cpe_34749_0','CPNEWWIN:NewWindow%5etop=10,left=10,width=500,height=400,toolbar=1,location=1,directories=0,status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1 at http://www.degruyter.com/view/books/9783110263121/9783110263121.215/9783110263121.215.xml?format=EBOK');>. Berlin/Munich: De Gruyter Saur (IFLA publications).

SLIS/IAKM Assistant Professor Karl Fast, Ph.D., was interviewed on Sept. 15 for the CBC Radio show Spark, a national program about the impact of technology in everyday life. Fast was interviewed about "deep interaction"-how the way we interact with information helps us understand that information-and what this means as our technologies shift from keyboards and mice to touch and gesture. The 10-minute interview is online at http://www.cbc.ca/spark/episodes/2012/09/12/189-interactions-agreements-suspicions/. Fast also spoke recently on "Information Overload is an Opportunity" at Fluxible, a user experience (UX) conference in Kitchener, Ontario. The September program included speakers from Google, Research in Motion, Kobo and various UX design studios: http://www.fluxible.ca/.

SLIS Associate Professor Meghan Harper, Ph.D., has published two refereed articles in current issue of OELMA's Ohio Media Spectrum (64:1, Fall 2012): "Evaluation in the School Library as a Key to Advocacy," pages 15-21, and "Awesome Assessment Tools for Advocacy in the School," pages 32-34.

SLIS Assistant Professor Kiersten F. Latham, Ph.D., presented two papers at the 2012 DOCAM (Document Academy) in August. Her papers are titled "Exploring the Museal Jungle" and "A Tale of Two Document Storytelling Perspectives," the latter of which is co-written with SLIS Adjunct Instructor Jodi Kearns, Ph.D. DOCAM12 was hosted by the faculty of Information and Media Studies at The University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada.

SLIS Assistant Professor Marianne Martens, Ph.D., presented a paper titled, "Desperately Seeking Dissent: Subversive Readings in Transmedia Storytelling," at Protest on the Page: Print Culture History in Opposition to Almost Anything* (*you can think of) -- A Conference of the Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture, held in Madison, Wis., in September.

SLIS Professor Marcia Zeng, Ph.D., SLIS Associate Professor Athena Salaba, Ph.D., and SLIS alumna Maja Zumer, M.L.S. '93, have published a book, FRSAD: Conceptual Modeling of Aboutness (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Libraries Unlimited, 2012). The volume is part of the Third Millennium Cataloging Series. The FRSAD model (released by IFLA) allows catalogers to more readily determine the answer to the fundamental question, "What's it about?" and helps users by providing a clear description of library holdings. The cover says this publication was "written by three leading members of the IFLA working group that developed the model."

Read more news about faculty publications and presentations at http://www.kent.edu/slis/about/slis-points-of-pride.cfm.

All the best,


Flo Cunningham
Marketing Communications and Public Relations Specialist
School of Library and Information Science
Kent State University
fcunning at kent.edu<mailto:fcunning at kent.edu>

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ksuslis
Twitter: @KentStateSLIS<https://twitter.com/#%21/KentStateSLIS>

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. -- Jorge Luis Borges

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