[OPLINLIST] Deliveries to Massillon Public Library Branches to Cease

James Nagy nagyja at massillonlibrary.org
Thu Apr 18 10:19:00 EDT 2013

Dear All,

Sorry for the cross-posting...

Effective Monday, April 22, 2013, our Barry Askren (MID 13604, SearchOhio Label 850) and Pam S. Belloni (MID 13603, SearchOhio Label 860) branches will no longer send/receive deliveries from Priority Dispatch. We have decided to deliver to these locations in-house 5 days a week (instead of 3 days by Priority). We're very fed up with the missed deliveries from Priority and discovered that we can increase delivery service at our branches in-house AND save a lot of money in the meantime.

So, beginning Monday, please send all material that needs to go to our branches to our Main library (MID 13600, SearchOhio Label 840), and if at all possible, please group the individual branch A/V material together, bubble wrap, and clearly label them so we won't have to unwrap and sort them.

If you have any questions, please let me know.  Thanks!

James Nagy

Circulation Services Manager

Massillon Public Library

208 Lincoln Way E

Massillon, OH  44646

330-832-9831 x332

330-830-2182 (Fax)

nagyja at massillonlibrary.org<mailto:nagyja at massillonlibrary.org><mailto:nagyja at massillonlibrary.org>

“If you don’t like change, you’re going to like irrelevance even less.” - General Eric Shinseki, retired Chief of Staff, U. S. Army
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