[OPLINLIST] Popular Subscription Services Results

Denise Shedloski dshedloski at alexandria.lib.oh.us
Fri Feb 15 14:36:11 EST 2013

Dear Library Land,

THANK YOU for your responses to my question about switching periodical providers from WTCox to Popular Subscription Service.

To recap: We have been using WTCox for about 4 years and although their pricing is OK (MUCH better than EBSCO was), their service leaves a little to be desired. Popular Subscription Service had brought us a quote with a healthy discount from WTCox, but I was concerned that their pricing would increase after the first year.

Thanks to all the folks in Library Land, we've heard only good things about Popular Subscription Service and do plan to take advantage of their lower pricing. I've included a summary of responses received for anyone else who is interested...

We switched from EBSCO to COX 3 years ago because COX gave us 18% off and EBSCO would not give us anything (all 7 libraries in the County shopped the market as a group, so COX wanted 7 new customers and thus gave us a bigger discount).  So far, no real increases.  We get 18% off list price even now.
If your collection is small enough, I know that some smaller libraries either just do all of them individually and direct.

We have had Popular Subscription for quite a few years and their service is fine. I have checked with other services when they call to give me a quote and Popular is always cheaper. Hope this helps.

We just recently switched from EBSCO to Popular subscriptions because of that nice discount. Prior to switching, I had the same concerns you listed. I asked for the names of some of their library customers. I called two libraries in the Midwest. One library had only been with them for about 3 years, but had not seen a  drastic jump in pricing after the first year. The other library I called has been with them several years and has never experienced a drastic jump in prices. Both libraries were pleased with the overall service they were receiving. We have only been with them a few months. - Jim G.

Our library has been happy with them for over thirty years, so no experience with switching. Give me a call if you would like more opinions.

We just switched to PSS this year. Our rep promised that the discount that we received would continue and would not be an introductory rate. We were with EBSCO. PSS customer service team is wonderful. Responses are very timely. If we land up receiving duplicate copies, all you do is copy the covers with the dfferent subscription info, and fax it to them. They'll resolve the issue. EBSCO never told  us to do this.

So far, despite the annoyance of switching, I think it was worth it.

Denise Shedloski
Director, Alexandria Public Library
10 Maple Dr.
Alexandria, OH 43001

740.924.3561 phone
740.504.4822 cell
740.924.3007 fax
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