[OPLINLIST] Ohio State Parks SRP incentive - discount camping certificate

Ingraham Dwyer, Janet jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Wed Mar 13 11:04:23 EDT 2013

Cross-posted to Library Youth Services and OPLINlist.  Please excuse duplication.

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Parks and Recreation, is again providing a discount certificate for camping at the State Parks as an incentive to support public library summer reading programs.

At your library's discretion, any library user of any age may receive a certificate for 50% off Sunday-Wednesday camping or getaway rentals at Ohio State Parks (good through October 31, 2013) as an SRP incentive.  Some restrictions apply.  Please carefully review the instructions on the certificate.

One significant restriction has been lifted.  In past years, the certificate could be used only on a walk-in basis.  Now your summer readers using the certificate may reserve their campsites.

The download location of the State Parks certificate is not publicly accessible.  Download the certificate here:
http://library.ohio.gov/sites/default/files/State_parks_2013.pdf (Adobe PDF file)
Please do not share this link or the electronic file with anyone outside the Ohio public library community.

The certificates print 2 per page.  Please copy them onto standard GREEN copier paper.  State Parks employees will only accept certificates on green paper.  You may write your library name onto your master before copying for distribution, then hand-date each certificate as you give them out.  The participant's name should be written on the certificate.

Libraries distributing this incentive will be asked to report the number of certificates distributed.  Plan to track your library's distribution, so the State Library can report back to ODNR.  Thank you.


As a reminder, the 2013 Ohio State Fair SRP discount coupon is also available to any library wanting to distribute it to your summer readers aged 5-14.  Please photocopy these coupons on YELLOW copier paper:

Please plan to track your library's distribution of the State Fair coupons.  The State Fair will run from July 24 - August 4 this year.  More info is at http://www.ohiostatefair.com/.

The State Parks certificate, State Fair coupon, and all statewide SRP resources are available to all Ohio public libraries, regardless of whether you use the collaborative theme or your own theme.

Thank you,

Janet Ingraham Dwyer
Library Consultant
State Library of Ohio
jdwyer at library.ohio.gov<mailto:jdwyer at library.ohio.gov>
The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist state government and libraries in providing the best service to all.

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