[OPLINLIST] 2015 CSLP themes and call for ideas

Ingraham Dwyer, Janet jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Tue Sep 10 15:35:48 EDT 2013

Cross-posted from the Library Youth Services list with revisions to highlight adult SRP.  Please excuse duplication.

Dear colleagues,

The Collaborative Summer Library Program is in the process of writing the 2015 manuals on the general theme of heroes/superheroes/villains.  The CSLP wants your good ideas.  Contributors are acknowledged in the manuals.

The Adult manual committee is collecting programming and decorating/display ideas for the "Escape the Ordinary" theme.  See the communication from the Adult Manual committee here, with a starter pack of ideas for brainstorming:

Please send your ideas for the Adult manual to Patti Sinclair at trishsinclair at sbcglobal.net<mailto:trishsinclair at sbcglobal.net> by November 15, 2013.


The Teen manual committee is also looking for good ideas from the field.  Check out the communication from the Teen Manual committee, with a starter pack of programming ideas for the "Unmask!" theme:
http://library.ohio.gov/sites/default/files/cslp_teen_2015_ideacall.pdf  (PDF).

Please send your ideas for the Teen manual to Patti Sinclair at trishsinclair at sbcglobal.net<mailto:trishsinclair at sbcglobal.net> by November 15, 2013 (same contact as for Adult manual).


The 2015 children's/early literacy theme is "Every Hero Has a Story".  Working chapter titles for the children's manual are:

  *   Community Heroes (helpers in the community, family members)
  *   Heroes throughout History (heroes in mythology, tall tales, true stories of historical heroes)
  *   Superhero Training Camp (children get the superhero experience as they dress up and act like superheroes)
  *   Trusty Sidekicks (focusing on the often overlooked but very important sidekick)
  *   Superheroes to the Rescue (superheroes in books, conventional and not-so-conventional superheroes)

Share your ideas for activities, crafts, books, and music.  The Children's manual committee is especially interested in ideas for promotion, decorations, family literacy programs, original puppet plays, and outreach ideas for underserved groups.  Please respond by September 30, 2013.  Send your ideas for the Children's Manual to:
Amanda Struckmeyer
309 N. Hillside Terrace
Madison, WI  53705
amandacmoss at gmail.com<mailto:amandacmoss at gmail.com>


The working chapter titles for the early literacy manual are:
*              The hero inside you
*              The heroes in your family
*              The heroes at your school
*              The heroes in your community
*              The heroes in books
*              Heroes make us feel better
*              Heroes save the world
*              Four legged and feathered heroes

CSLP is interested in your ideas for activities, crafts, books, and music for babies, toddlers and preschoolers.  Please respond by September 30, 2013.  Send your ideas for the Early Literacy manual to:
Amanda Struckmeyer (same contact as for Children's Manual)
309 N. Hillside Terrace
Madison, WI  53705
(608) 256-9737
amandacmoss at gmail.com<mailto:amandacmoss at gmail.com>

Thank you,

[cid:image001.jpg at 01CEAE3B.6C4110B0]
Janet Ingraham Dwyer
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-644-6910
Fax: 614-466-3584
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