[OPLINLIST] Changes to eRate

Knapp, Mandy aknapp at library.ohio.gov
Wed Jul 16 09:46:22 EDT 2014

Hello all,

We're still waiting on the full details, but I wanted to give you a heads-up that there will be some significant changes to the eRate program this year. The last OPLIN4Cast<http://www.oplin.org/4cast/?p=4779> contained a nice overview of articles on this topic. As many of you know, OPLIN and the State Library have sponsored eRate workshops for public libraries, one in the late fall and one in the winter, for a number of years now. This year, because of the changes, we are planning to do many more workshops in locations around the state and are also looking into improving online delivery of the workshops. I highly encourage you to attend. Watch for details, including registration, early this fall.

So far, the only firm details we have are contained in the FCC's FAQ sheet<http://www.fcc.gov/article/doc-328172a2> and Press release<http://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-modernizes-e-rate-expand-robust-wi-fi-schools-libraries>. Some important items to note from the FCC's FAQ sheet include:

*        Directs at least $1 billion in support for Wi-Fi for Funding Years 2015 and 2016 to connect over 10 million students and thousands of libraries each year by establishing reasonable budgets for applicants.
*        Begins a multi-year transition of all program funding to broadband, by gradually phasing down support for non-broadband services.
*        Incentivizes consortia and bulk purchasing.
*        Moves to electronic filing of all documents.
*        Simplifies discount calculations.

I am composing a FAQ sheet for us on the topic, but am still waiting on details from the FCC. My goal is to have this to you next week.

Stay tuned,
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Mandy Knapp
Library Consultant
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-466-1710
Toll Free:800-686-1532 (Ohio Only)
Fax: 614-466-3584
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