[OPLINLIST] Remember these?

Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Tue Dec 29 15:46:59 EST 2015

LOL!  That's REALLY old-school, there! I don't think _I_ even have a 1.2MB
floppy drive laying around any more! Still have lots of 3.5" 1.44MB,
though. I do have a handful of 34-pin floppy cables, I think, but they
won't do you any good unless you have an ancient computer or floppy I/O
card to go along with the drive.

Ok, technically, I guess I _DO_ have one full-height 360KB (probably)
floppy, but it's on an Apple IIe. That's not going to do you any good.

Quick Google search suggests that there isn't a 5.25" <-> USB drive out
there, but you CAN still buy new drives for ~$70. You'll still need an old,
old computer to connect it to or you might be able to scare up a floppy I/O
PCI card that'll work in a somewhat newer computer. Probably not worth the
time/effort/cost unless you know you have data that you really want/need to

Bob:   Seriously?       and...No, I don't want it. LOL!

*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

*Full IT/Computer consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and

On Tue, Dec 29, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Laura Lee Wilson <llwilson at huroncolib.org>

> Does anyone have a way to read a 5.5 floppy disc?  ~LLW
> Laura Lee Wilson, MLIS
> Library Director
> Huron County Community Library
> 6 West Emerald Street
> Willard, OH 44890
> PH: 419-933-2544
> FX: 419-933-4783
> llwilson at huroncolib.org
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