[OPLINLIST] LAST CALL: Virginia Hamilton Conference $1, 000 outreach grants

Cunningham, Flo fcunning at kent.edu
Wed Feb 25 09:40:20 EST 2015

Please excuse duplicate postings.

REMINDER: Apply now for Virginia Hamilton Conference $1,000 outreach grants

Application: http://bit.ly/VHC_OutreachGrant2015
Deadline: February 28

Each year, two grants up to $1000 each are available for projects to develop new classroom or library programs that raise awareness of multicultural literature among young people particularly, but not exclusively, through the works of Virginia Hamilton.

Each year we will award one grant to a K-12 teacher, and one will be awarded to a school library or youth services librarian in a public library.

Eligible applicants must currently work with or plan to work with children or adolescents in any grade from preschool through high school or in a public or school library.

Applicants must submit an application form, a professional reference and a proposal detailing the development of a new classroom or library program that:

*       Promotes awareness of multicultural themes and issues through outstanding literature

*       Illustrates the use of exemplary multicultural literature, particularly but not exclusively the works of Virginia Hamilton

*       Demonstrates effective organization, methods and/or library service

*       Includes a plan for documenting the development of the program throughout the grant period

*       Cover sheet with your name, postal and e-mail address, telephone number and project title

*       Detailed description of the proposed program that includes:

o   Setting (classroom and/or library)

o   Population (grade level and/or age range)

o   Program goals

o   Dates of the program and a detailed timeline of events

o   Program procedures, methods and organization

*       Evidence that the program will promote awareness of multicultural themes and issues

*       A program budget

*       Evidence of the use of exemplary multicultural literature; particularly, but not exclusively, the works of Virginia Hamilton

*       Plan for documenting the program's development throughout the grant period

*       Program evaluation procedure

Award application deadline is February 28.

Grant recipients will be announced at the annual Virginia Hamilton Conference on Multicultural Literature for Youth at Kent State University, scheduled for April 9 and 10, 2015. For further information about the conference, please visit www.kent.edu/virginiahamiltonconference<http://www.kent.edu/virginiahamiltonconference>.

The Virginia Hamilton and Arnold Adoff Creative Outreach Grant is sponsored by the College and Graduate School of Education, Health, and Human Services and the School of Library and Information Science in conjunction with the Kent State University Foundation and the Office of Continuing and Distance Education, with generous support from private donors and Scholastic Press.

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