[OPLINLIST] CSLP survey about summer manual content for public libraries

jdwyer at library.ohio.gov jdwyer at library.ohio.gov
Thu Feb 4 08:19:46 EST 2016

Sent on behalf of the Collaborative Summer Library Program.  Cross-posted; please excuse duplication.

Dear CSLP Member Librarians,

CSLP strives to provide member libraries with the highest quality summer library program manual possible. It is important to us to offer useful formats that are both cost-effective and flexible.

In order to keep our content relevant and available via platforms our members regularly use, we need your input. We know the communities and patrons you serve are diverse in so many ways and we are looking to be responsive to your community's unique composition.

Our plan is to deliver a program manual that is genuinely helpful and regularly consulted. Your honest and open answers to these questions will help us know what our members need to plan and present a successful summer library program. Your response is vital for future planning and production of the manuals.

We estimate the survey will take approximately 15 minutes. Please respond by Saturday, February 20, 2016.

You can find the survey by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CSLPSurvey2016. If you have any questions about the content of the survey or experience any problems with the survey, please contact Matt McLain, mmclain at slcolibrary.org<mailto:mmclain at slcolibrary.org>.

Thank you for your time and attention!

Collaborative Summer Library Program
Mac Buntin, President
Sherry Siclair, Executive Director

Our Mission:
The Collaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) is a consortium of states working together to provide a unified summer reading theme along with professional art and evidence-based materials so that member libraries can provide high-quality summer reading programs at the lowest possible cost and to play a significant role in literacy initiatives.

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