[OPLINLIST] Fwd: SWON Weekly: A Conference Scholarship and the Importance of Outreach

Cassondra Vick cassondra at swonlibraries.org
Mon Jul 18 21:09:44 EDT 2016

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*SWON serves libraries in Kentucky and Ohio *

SWON Libraries // Weekly
[image: Bookmobiles, still relevant?]

Do we need bookmobiles in the 21st Century?

The first library I remember going to was actually a bookmobile. I was not
in a rural area, but I was in a sort of no-man’s-land when it came to
library branches. My working, single mother had a car, but not always one
that ran reliably, nor could she always afford gas for unnecessary trips.
Meanwhile, I was such a voracious reader that even if we had more
discretionary income, buying me enough books to keep me sated would have
cost a small fortune. Needless to say, I have very warm memories of the
large van full of books that would make its weekly stop in the parking lot
of my elementary school. It was like magic.

There are some who would argue that in this day and age, when more people
are mobile and the Internet is “everywhere,” that bookmobiles and outreach
services have seen their day. However, as we’ve noted before, when discussing
issues of Digital Equity
the Internet is most certainly not everywhere
I don’t imagine that the child I was, transported to 2016, would have
Internet in her home any more than she had the budget for books and trips
to the library. Meanwhile, in rural areas, which often lack libraries,
there is also commonly a lack of broadband.

Many types of communities lack the means to access the library
be it because of income, age
and often immigrant
status. Meanwhile, our industry is not alone in banging the drum about
serving people where they are, instead of making people come to you. Just
look at the successes that services such as Amazon Prime Now
and Google Express
are seeing. People want things to come to them. Outreach matters. It makes
a difference.

And even Mary Lemist Titcomb, who dreamed up the idea of a horse-drawn
in America over 110 years ago (and thus is credited with founding the
bookmobile in the US), understood the bookmobile’s potential for raising
the profile of the library’s presence in the community: “Would not a
Library Wagon, the outward and visible signs of the service for which the
Library stood, do much more in cementing friendship?” she wondered. It’s
great advertising and builds wonderful goodwill.

So can we replace outreach with the Internet? Sure, the Web is widespread,
but even Google itself seems to understand it is no replacement for
outreach vehicles. In 2006, they funded the Mountain View bookmobile
and paid to keep it going in 2014. And if Google knows it is important,
then who are we to argue?

~ *Cassondra Vick, Tech Educator, SWON Libraries *

P.S. -- The Association for Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS)
is in SWON's backyard this year. See below for more info and a scholarship

[image: ABOS]

The SWON Libraries Diversity Scholarship for ABOS

In October of 2016 the ABOS Conference
will be in our neighborhood -- specifically at the Marriott River Center in
Covington, KY.  The cost of early-bird registration
for non-ABOS members is $350 ($250 for early-bird for members) and SWON
would like to help provide a chance for an employee of a SWON Supporting
Member Library
to attend.

The eligibility is as follows:


   For the Diversity Scholarship, our focus is on racial and ethnic
   diversity, therefore, preference will be given to those applicants from
   underrepresented racial minorities

   Preference will be given to applicants who have not attended an ABOS
   Conference before

   The applicant must be employed in a SWON supporting member library
   and working in bookmobile or outreach services at the time the application
   is submitted

   The applicant does not need to be a member of the Association of
   Bookmobile and Outreach Services (ABOS)

   The Award will cover a maximum of $350 in registration fees for the 2016
   ABOS Conference

   The Award will not cover travel, hotel, or any other expenses

   The award winner must register by August 26th at 5:00 p.m. to be
   eligible for the Early Bird Registration Fee

   Applications must be received by August 1st

To apply, download the application at this link: bit.ly/ScholarshipABOS
make sure to email the completed form to abosawards at gmail.com
August 1st for consideration. Please, contact abosawards at gmail.com
you have any questions.
  Check It Out!
[image: Coming up on the calendar...]

   - * KY Association of School Librarians Summer Refresher
      - Cost: Non Members: $100
      Members: $50
   * 7/19/2016 - Goshen, KY *

   - * Mazza Summer Conference
      - Cost: All five days: $225
      Any four days: $200
      Any three days: $170
      Any two days: $120
      Any day: $75
   * 7/18/2016 to 7/22/2016 - Findlay, OH *

   - * Webinar: Collection Development -- Children's and Young Adult Books
   about Native Americans
      - Cost: *FREE* (an ALSC event)
   * 7/19/2016 - Online *

   - * Webinar: Going Digital
      - Cost: *FREE* (a Lyrasis event)
   * 7/20/2016 - Online *

   - * Technical Services Group (TeSSIG) Meeting
      - Cost: No cost
   * 7/21/2016 - Cincinnati, OH *

   - * Webinar: Library Campaign Training Institute -- A Free Advocacy
   Webinar Series
      - Cost: *FREE* (an Institiute of Museum and Library Services event)
   * 7/21/2016 - Online *

   - * Webinar: We Need To Talk -- Overcoming the fear of having a
   difficult conversation
      - Cost: *FREE* (a Colorado State Library event)
   * 7/21/2016 - Online *

   - * Inaugural Marantz Picturebook Research Symposium
      - Cost: $225
   * 7/24/2016 - Kent, OH *

Save the date for these events...

   - * FREE Summer Cookout with SWON
   7/31/2016 - Lebanon, Ohio
   - * Digitization Conference
   8/17/2016 to 8/19/2016 - Panama City Beach, FL
   - * 21st Annual Picture Book Read-In
   8/23/2016 - West Chester, OH
   - * Level-Up Lab: Positive Approaches to Resolving Performance & Conduct
   9/7/2016 - Blue Ash, Ohio
   - * Middle Grade Authors, Books, & You!
   9/10/2016 - Parma, OH
   - * 2016 KLA/KASL Joint Conference "Community Vision: Our Future"
   9/21/2016 to 9/24/2016 - Louisville, KY
   - * Gaming As Meaningful Education Conference
   9/23/2016 to 9/24/2016 - Rochester, NY

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SWON Libraries

10250 Alliance Road, Suite 112
Blue Ash, OH 45242
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