[OPLINLIST] Only 2 days remain to register for OhioNET’s Data Visualization webinar on 5/12

Shelly Miller shellym at ohionet.org
Tue May 10 10:38:12 EDT 2016

Please excuse cross-postings.

Time is running out to sign-up for the first session in our new CE series, Cultivating Connections, designed to help employees at all levels cooperate and communicate more effectively—with end users, with stakeholders, and with colleagues.  This new series will cover topics ranging from “soft” skills like customer service and effective communication techniques to new data-driven skills like those featured in our inaugural webinar.  Attendees to last year’s Dive into Data conference may remember the presentation given by Kirstin Krumsee, consultant at the State Library.  This Thursday (May 12th) Kirstin will reprise her presentation, Knowing Where to Draw the Line: Getting Started with Data Visualization<http://www.ohionet.org/civicrm/event/info?id=336&reset=1>, and introduce attendees to the basics: exploring best practices, discussing different approaches for different audiences, and demonstrating where to find tools and tips to help you present your data compellingly.  Click the link below for more information and registration options.

Knowing Where to Draw the Line: Getting Started with Data Visualization<http://www.ohionet.org/civicrm/event/info?id=336&reset=1>
Thursday, May 12th, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Live ONLINE
Presenter: Kirstin Krumsee, State Library of Ohio

Don’t forget!  Employees of Premium Level OhioNET members can attend our in-house webinars and workshops for free.  Not sure what membership level your library maintains? Select your employer from the Organization list on the registration page and your member level will automatically be populated on the form.  If you find yourself with questions, contact us<mailto:ohionet at ohionet.org>--we’re happy to help!

Check out our other scheduled sessions for the Cultivating Connections series…

Intro to Emotional Labor: Strategies to Increase Your Engagement & Satisfaction at Work<http://www.ohionet.org/civicrm/event/info?id=337&reset=1>
Come learn what toll it takes to “put on a happy face” at work and pick up strategies for managing negative impacts and increasing your engagement.
Monday, June 13th, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Live ONLINE
Presenter: Dr. Miriam Matteson, Kent State University & Shelly Miller, OhioNET

Building Blocks of Interpersonal Communication<http://www.ohionet.org/civicrm/event/info?id=338&reset=1>
Discuss the most common communication tasks—explaining, questioning, listening, and reflecting—and how to assess and develop your skills.
Wednesday, July 20th, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM, Live ONLINE
Presenter: Dr. Miriam Matteson, Kent State University

Or head to our Training Calendar<http://www.ohionet.org/training-calendar> for a full listing of all our in-person and online CE offerings.

If you find yourself with questions about or suggestions for OhioNET’s CE offerings, please contact…
Shelly S. Miller
Continuing Education Coordinator
OhioNET | 1500 West Lane Avenue | Columbus, OH 43221-3975
(800) 686-8975 x37  |  shellym at ohionet.org<mailto:shellym at ohionet.org>

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