[OPLINLIST] Statewide access to Lynda.com for libraries

Don Yarman don at oplin.ohio.gov
Fri Jun 29 11:46:02 EDT 2018

As I noted in the announcement below, some libraries are likely to get
messages from Lynda.com about setting up the Admin accounts and starting
the authentication process.

Ours is the first implementation of the Lynda Library service, and the
product is not set up for the kind of enterprise management that would make
this go more smoothly. We are working with Lynda.com to try to coordinate
this, but things seem to be slipping through the cracks.

Hang on to the Admin account information when it arrives; you (or the
appropriate person in your library) will want it later, I'm sure.

If a solutions engineer contacts you to begin setting up authentication,
please direct them to contact OPLIN at support at oplin.ohio.gov.


                    Don  Yarman
                    Director, Ohio Public Library Information Network
                    2323 W Fifth Ave Suite 130, Columbus OH 43204
                    don at oplin.ohio.gov | 614.728.5250

On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 2:53 PM, Don Yarman <don at oplin.ohio.gov> wrote:

> In July, OPLIN will be announcing publicly that we've secured access
> statewide for library patrons to use Lynda.com, from home, with their
> library cards.
> We are still working out details, but I wanted to provide the library
> community with advanced notice.
> Lynda.com, a part of LinkedIn, has been for 20 years a leading provider
> of on-line learning content with a focus on business, technical, and
> creative skills. It contains *over 6,600 courses and more than 216,000
> video tutorials*. Patrons are able to create a profile to keep track of
> their successes and tailor the course listings to their skill set.
> *WHY?*
> Public libraries are the centers for continuous learning in their
> communities, and they are an important engine for workforce development. To
> support this, OPLIN released an RFP for career and continuous learning
> resources for public libraries. Of all the proposals we received, Lynda.com
> had the strongest alignment with the list of in-demand jobs in Ohio,
> without duplicating services already available from OhioMeansJobs.com.
> OPLIN's projected start date is *September 1st*, but library
> administrators are likely to see signs of account activity (such as a
> "Welcome" email) early in July. Current Lynda.com library customers should
> see no interruption in service, and *will receive a prorated
> reimbursement of their current subscriptions*.
> *Watch for more news from OPLIN and OLC about what this means to you and
> your patrons.*
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