[OPLINLIST] Does your library add hub labels to circulating discs?

Marlene Pelyhes mpelyhes at geaugalibrary.net
Mon Mar 19 16:39:54 EDT 2018


Several years ago, our library stopped using the 'donut' hub labels on discs because some discs had gotten stuck in players.  It is more work for us to hand write barcodes on discs.  I wondered if other libraries had this experience.

I created a google form to collect your responses and will report back to the list.



Does your library add hub labels to discs?<https://goo.gl/forms/PKXz1XYzQrcIN3eN2>
Does your library use CD/DVD hub labels to identify each disc with library name and partial barcode?


Marlene Pelyhes
Technical Services Manager
Geauga County Public Library
Administration Center
12701 Ravenwood Drive
Chardon, OH 44024
Office=440-286-8067 ext 2519
My email address has changed, it is now mpelyhes at geaugalibrary.net

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